
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

What going to the doctor will teach you

I never would have thought that going for a routine physical would somehow equate into a blog post. These days, nothing should surprise me anymore though.

This will be jumbled in a way because the thought process is all over the place. This is not supposed to be a blog post with a beginning, middle, and end. It's just going to be your traditional blog post---the just because kind. The kind that I will most likely write in 10 minutes while the kids nap and then never read again---for years down the road or until someone points out that everything about this post is grammatically incorrect.

Where was I.


Ah yes, the girl that lectures  everyone about going to their physical every year has now missed her last two. To be fair though, I have seen a doctor plenty of times in the past couple years {during pregnancy and having Graham}, so I used that as my "physical."

But, I still stand behind the importance of seeing the family doctor at least once a year and getting your routine blood drawn.

So here we are. My husband, my children, and I. Yes, you are probably thinking why in the world we brought our children, but my other option would be to wait in the car with them while Andrew went and then to have him wait in the car while I went. That sounds absolutely long and unnecessary.

Plus, the secret to getting in {and out} quickly is having children with you. Everyone wants you to get on your way.

And it worked, we got in within 5 minutes, we got checked out, and all was good. Well, except when we saw the nurse.

In that room, G-man happened to knock down this corner bookshelf that held pamphlet---and by knock down, I mean kind of pull and I kind of happened to catch it in time but definitely did not catch the flying pamphlets and papers that went everywhere.

LESSON LEARNED NUMBER ONE. It didn't bother me one bit. Strange, what lesson was learned here then? Well, the fact that I didn't get embarrassed, I didn't get upset, and I was aware of the fact that these sort of things happen. Becky, mom of one, would have gotten red in the face from embarrassment. Now, obviously I apologized to the nurse and picked everything up and put it back gently, but I was okay with things not going as planned. That felt good I have to say.

Then we saw the doctor.

Let me first tell you about my doctor.

When I first met him 5 years ago, he was in his early 40's, healthy, happy, and full of life. So I thought. Last year, he had a cane, in which he informed my husband that he had MS. This year... he was in a wheelchair. The room was accommodated to his needs with a lowered patient table and things easily accessible to him. I had to be aware of the way to turn in order to make him assessing me easier, and I couldn't help but look past what was wrong, and see what was right.

He seemed happy, and still so full of life.

Here is a man who continues to do what he loves to do, come to work, and put a smile on my face. And say nice things about my children. And acknowledge them and tell them that mama had a princess in her ears and papa had monkeys in his. 

LESSON LEARNED NUMBER TWO. Appreciate life. Man, I would have never thought that going to a routine physical would open my eyes to something more. I see this on a daily basis where I work, but this reminder touched me in a different way. That no matter what we may be struggling with today, what our complaints may be, that there is always a more positive way at looking at things.

We finished the visit cracking a few more jokes with the doctor that told me my husband insists that I snore, we tackled two kids while trying to then get our blood drawn, and then we rushed out of there ready to eat our lives away.

I cheated though before my visit and snuck in a few bites of the kid's food. It's the nurse in me.We're really bad at following our own orders.


Do as you are told.

1 comment:

  1. LoL. I would have cheated too! And it's so nice to have these inspirational reminders in our daily lives. :)
