
Friday, April 4, 2014

Friday. Let's Talk.

I was going to title this post: Five on Friday and list you five new things going on. Sounds great. But not really. So then I thought about calling it random and calling it a day. And then, I said to myself, been there done that. And then I realized that I wasn't going to title this at all and just talk.

So let's talk.

You already know it's going to be a random post, right.

Really I just want to talk about the fact that my layout is completely different. My blog looks completely different. I actually forked out money {because I just don't have the time anymore to mess with HTML} and paid for the design and I'm actually happy with it. For the time being.

Here I am with yet again another design that includes three columns. I keep going back and forth on this, and I already can tell that it probably won't last long because I just cannot seem to make my mind up on these things. There is definitely some much needed housekeeping to be done around here, but again, when time allows it then I will attend to it.

Moving along.

Orange is the new black. I know, I know, I'm so behind on these things but seriously I love this show. Since we got rid of cable and just have this Roku business, it's a show that my husband and I started watching together {and he knows he's not allowed to watch it without me when I'm at work}, and we are obsessed. I mean, I could be watching it right now but Andrew is tired and has to work tomorrow and although I want to cheat, I won't. I'll be a good wife and wait patiently.

But I have to work. I have to work the next two nights. And it's killing me.

I made my own laundry detergent. Talk about a topic change.

Really though, I did. We have been using TJ's natural detergent for a couple of years now, and I was ready to just take the plunge and make my own stuff. The good stuff.

It is great. I do love it. Andrew doesn't. But I do. Except I know that people say that it saves them money, and in fact it did the complete opposite for me. You see, I'm out of a food processor because of it. Thankfully it broke at the end, but regardless, the point is that it broke. I felt it getting hot, and then I heard it making noises, and then it went completely out on me. Gone.

So I have to say, I have some pretty darn expensive laundry detergent on my hands.

The recipe I found was pretty simple--3 bars of Tom's soap chopped, 6 cups of washing soda, all mixed together in a food processor and then put in a container. Add 2-3 tablespoons per load with 5 drops of lemon. The end. It really is that easy. Or at least it should be. If it doesn't cost you a food processor in the process.

You know what is more exciting than homemade laundry detergent though? The fact that my 15 month old finally made it on our living room wall. He has earned that title once and for all.

I have to mention here also that he noticed when he put his picture up on the wall. Here I am thinking that he was 15 months old and didn't get it, and I was absolutely completely wrong. He pointed to his picture with the biggest grin on his face and walked over to it babbling away. And then, to top it off, we added some of his pictures in our bedroom and when he noticed those he literally ran to them, doing the same thing with pointing and babbling. Now we ask him to show us where Graham's pictures are, and he happily does so.

Talk about mom guilt right there. Those second children.

 It really is true what they say. You know what I mean.

Lastly, if you are bored and need another activity to do with your little ones, here is on easy one for you. Roll up construction paper, cut it in different sizes, pick different colors, tape them into tubes, tape on the wall, and put cups underneath. Give the kids different colored items to drop in the tubes. If they are learning numbers, direct them to drop them in certain numbers.

We are talking about a Sunday morning well spent.

And a coffee happily enjoyed  {and inhaled} by this mama.

***Since my website was stolen, I have been trying to work hard to reach all my lost readers. If you love a post, would you mind sharing--Via facebook, twitter, and pinterest! Thank you!
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  1. I was wondering what that Sunday morning game was last week. Thanks for explaining :)

    I like the new look!

  2. What a cute and fun activity for the kiddos! Thanks for sharing. Happy Friday!

  3. I make my own detergent and love it! I don't mix all of it in the food processor, just by hand.

  4. I know this is kind of random, but have you tried using your food processor since?? This happened to me once making peanut butter & after some googling I found out that many food processors (including mine) have an auto-kill so when it's getting too hot it will just power down. Usually it takes a couple of hours for it to come back on... I stuck mine in the garage in winter & it took about an hour! Might be worth a try :) Side note, I use an old crappy blender for my homemade laundry soap... like the thrift store kind!

  5. You are a good wife, indeed! I always have trouble waiting for Community and Grey's Anatomy on Hulu :) Gotta check out Orange is the New Black sometime. I love that your baby noticed his pictures & don't feel bad...our walls are totally bare! haha I'll have to try that paper/cup thing when my babe is a little older. xo

  6. The pictures on the wall look great!
    Everyone keeps telling me to watch Orange is the New Black. I'll have to give it a try!

  7. My husband feels the same way about our homemade laundry detergent. His complaint is that he likes the smell of Tide/All/whatever, so I buy the laundry beads to make him feel better. We use a liquid detergent, though, which is 2 Tbsp. Dawn (or whichever grease-cutting dish detergent you want), 3 Tbsp. Borax, and 2 Tbsp. washing soda. Combine it in a container, add 2 cups boiling water (I just use our tap's hottest water) and top it off with cold water. I don't even measure the ingredients anymore - I just throw it together in an old Tide bottle. I'll add in a Tbsp. of the laundry beads if I want the detergent to smell more like the store bought stuff.
