
Monday, April 28, 2014

I'm getting organized and getting my brain back thanks to the Post-it Brand

Thank you to Post-it Brand for sponsoring this post. All opinions stated are that of my own. 
Becoming a mom has done a lot of wonderful things to me---made me a better person, given me a deeper meaning to life, and shown me a part of the world that I could have never imagined nor dreamed of, and more. Regardless of what you may hear, becoming a mom is that amazing and there is no denying that fact.  However, being a mom also comes with some extra unexpected surprises as well.
Such as:  the joys of being scatter brained. Note the sarcasm here.
I used to be able to rely on my brain. I paid my monthly bills online solely by memory--- car, car number 2, house, gas, electric, cell phone, student loans, and so forth. And of course each had different due dates, and different logins, but somehow I managed to never had a problem with remembering it all, and on time at that. At work, with all the detailed information on each of my patients, I could remember each system, every number, and every drip rate without ever having to write it down. Plans, appointments, and events of importance were drilled in my head, and I never missed a beat.

Life was that easy. Why? Because I never had to write anything down.

And then I had kids. And as we all know---everything changes when you have kids.

I started forgetting things. I started missing bill due dates by a couple dates, and I would wake up in the morning and it would suddenly hit me that we had a doctor's appointment in approximately 20 minutes to get to. Imagine the fun I had getting a newborn and a 2 year old changed, dressed, and looking half-way presentable so that the doctor doesn't imagine neglect on my part. As for me, I am always so thankful for the magic of makeup.

I forgot birthdays. I forgot due dates. And let's not even talk about the emails that have piled up and sat in my inbox for months. Most of which I simply never got around to replying. And before you start thinking that I am some important person with a busy life, rest assured that is not the case at all.
But being a mom, a mom of two kids, and working full time at night and staying home during the day, it definitely brings on a sort of busy that I could have never imagined before. Needless to say, I have been in the search for solutions, and in the process have learned that the more organized I am, the happier I am.

The Home Collection by Post-it Brand, Scotch Brand, and Command Brand has kicked it right out the park for me and has put me back into the peace of mind that I will now again be able to function and remember everything going on in our busy lives. It was specifically designed for families like my own to help facilitate with the functionality of our day to day lives. I'm sure of it. Clean, simple, vibrant, and detailed in all the right places--- those are all ways that I would describe some of the products that I have been using {and not putting down} around the house.

Here are a few of the products that I have been using:

The Post-it Reminder Tags: brilliant. They remind me of the old fashioned Post-it Notes, except smarter. The idea is that you write a little reminder note and then wrap it around wherever you want it to be seen. There is an adhesive side on one end that you loop around and stick to the other allowing it to wrap around the designated area. No more forgetting to wash the car seat covers on time. No more forgetting to remind the husband while I'm at work to get the touch up paint out and fix the cabinets. I stick it on and then rip it off when the job is done. And the job gets done a lot sooner than usual now.

Post-it Display Cards: ideal. These are great for my husband to take to work, allowing him to switch out pictures whenever he pleases and eliminates the need for a magnet with its removable mounting squares included that stick to any surface including stainless steel refrigerators.

Post-it Planner & Perforated List Pad: perfect. This has been my go-to brain. It allows me to keep track of what our meal plan is for the week, and also my ongoing grocery list. As I begin to run out of things, I will then jot them down on the list. I also use it at my "to-do" list for the week so that I remember important things like appointments and hair cuts. The space really allows you to do with it what you please in order to meet your needs. It's perforated so I just rip it off at the end of the week when it's time to go to the grocery store and then a new week begins.

Post-it Dry Erase Planner: easy. I love anything dry erase as it eliminates the need for extra unnecessary paper. I write our plans for the week, the week ends, and then I erase and start over. That simple. This planner I keep upstairs in my office while I am researching online what our meal plans will be for the week. My goal is to also add the blog posts that I will be working on. There are truly many possibilities and takes away any excuse I may have to not plan ahead.

I needed something simple {yet effective} that would work for our lifestyle, and I found that with the Home Collection. I feel like I'm reaching a whole new level of organization and I'm loving it.

Time to go write a little love note on Post-it Reminder tag and wrap it around my husband's lunch box.

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