
Monday, April 7, 2014

Kentucky Derby Essentials: A Simple GO-TO Gift Guide for Men

When Andrew and I started dating, there were new and exciting {and sometimes i things that we would introduce to one another.

I showed him what it was like to live in a big city and go to the grocery store without fearing you would run into every person from school.
He showed me what it was like to live in a small town and know every detail about Mary, Bob, and Sue.

I showed him what it was like to come from a different country and try to understand the weird Russian culture that surrounded us.
He showed me what it was like to be born in the United States and actually understand the common phrases that I still struggle with catching on to this day.

I showed him the world of risk taking in Euchre.
He showed me what it was like to risk take in horse betting. 

He opened my eyes to the famous Kentucky Derby.

Read the rest here.

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