
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Things you may not know about me

1. I sleep in my contacts. In fact, I don't even take a pair out for months at a time, sometimes 3-4. My eye doctor got upset with me about this and finally prescribed a pair that are supposed to allow you to sleep in them/wear them for long periods, however, I absolutely hate them. So back to my old faithfuls and I've never been happier. I know this sounds strange to many people, but honestly, I've never had any problems with sleeping in them. Yet.

2. I am legally blind. Since I'm on the topic of eyes, let's just put it all out there. I first got glasses when I was in 4th grade {probably needed them much much sooner}, and they just got worse throughout the years. If I have no contacts in or glasses on, I can barely tell the features on a person's face that is standing in front of me. It's that bad.

3. I used to stay home from school and play WWE {wrestling} on the nintendo. I was obsessed with this game and looked forward to playing it for HOURS on end. It was a terrible addiction. I know, you're probably thinking I'm a complete nutcase now.

4. I used to be somewhat "fluent" in German. I took it for 6 years in middle/high school and spoke it pretty well. I did not continue with it in college and simply lost it throughout the years.

5. I put 6 sugars and a dash of milk in my coffee. That's an improvement from the 8 I used to put it. As of last week.  Baby steps.

6. I taught myself how to do a back hand spring on the balance beam {a piece of wood that I found that resembled a balance beam}. Me. Doing back flips on a piece of wood. Yes, that was a brilliant idea.

7. I also, back in the day, was able to do the splits. You should see my attempt now. In fact, when I even do one cartwheel, I feel like all my muscles ache and I'm a 90 year old woman. If that's not an indication to start working out, I don't know what is.

8. While on the topic of working out, let's talk about Mr. Tae Bo. This DVD rocked my socks off in high school. Every day. Please tell me someone else did these videos as well. Tell me I'm not alone.

9. I've had red hair. And black. And blonde. And every shade in between.

10. I love math. In college I would help my friends with their math homework. I found joy in solving the unsolvable. I would choose to do math problems over watching a TV show. And that, my friends, is pretty darn lame.

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  1. I can totally relate to #1, my old faithfuls were Focus Night & Days and when they changed Air Optix a few years back, I've never been able to find any others that are as comfortable! Which do you use if you don't mind me asking? I've tried so many different brands in the last few years, I think my eye doctor thinks I'm crazy! Danke :)

  2. I was practically blind (20/800) and then I got LASIK. Best decision ever!

  3. Ha ha me and my friends use to do Tae Bo in my living room in HS!! Good ol' Billy Blank!

  4. I was legally blind too, but I had a laser surgery last August. We were sick of paying for contacts. My contacts were 8.50. I could just see beyond my nose pretty much without anything. So I can relate.

  5. I sleep in my contacts all the time and use them way more than I should. However, my prescription hasn't changed in like ten years or so. I'm a perfect candidate for LASIK, but doubt that I will get it. Who knows... maybe one day. I've worn glasses for 20 years (hate them) and contacts for 17 years (always prefer them) and it doesn't really bother me.

    I have had every hair color too!

  6. I am pretty much like you. I can't make out any features on a person if I don't have my contacts in or wear glasses. My contacts are -8.00 in each eye. I really need to get lasik or something once I actually have insurance!

  7. I totally did those Tae Bo videos in HS too! Can't even fathom 6 sugars in my coffee, doesn't even compute in my head!

  8. Wow we might be the same person(except for #s 3+4 I am/do all these things)

    Please stop sleeping in your contacts though- I did it for a long time and only recently had issues but it meant my eyes rejected my contacts and I had to stop wearing contacts for 6months)

  9. Wow we might be the same person(except for #s 3+4 I am/do all these things)

    Please stop sleeping in your contacts though- I did it for a long time and only recently had issues but it meant my eyes rejected my contacts and I had to stop wearing contacts for 6months)
