
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Fun Activity for Toddlers to Learn Colors & Numbers

A few weeks back {probably month or so actually}, we did this fun activity at home that I wanted to share on the blog and never got around to it. Actually, I think I did share it briefly but then still had some questions from readers about what they could use with the project. So I wanted to go ahead and explain it a little more {although I think pictures can do most of the explaining} and share what we used and how we used it as a learning experience.

Supplies Needed {I provide link to the items that we own and where we bought them with each category listed}

Construction paper Crayola Construction Paper, Assorted Colors, 240 Sheet (99-3200) {Or you can use paper towel and toilet paper rolls and let them paint them different colors---while doing so, you can talk about the colors}

Marker {to write on the paper}

Puffs Pepperell Craft Making Assorted Pom Poms, Standard Colors, 750 Per Package {or buttons, or both} REALLY BIG BUTTONS 60/PKG.

Feathers Feather Assortment (600 pcs)

Bowls {or cups to catch the items falling at the bottom}


Roll up the construction paper and cut it out in different sizes so that you can talk about which ones are bigger, which ones are smaller, and which ones are the same.

Write Numbers 1-10 on each paper.

Give each child a cup with different goodies inside---buttons, puffs, feathers, etc.

Place a bowl under each roll in order to catch the items.


If you used different size construction paper/rolls, talk about which ones are bigger, which ones are smaller, and which ones are the same.

As they learn their numbers, ask them if they can find "number 5" and then place an item in there.

As they learn their colors, ask them to match the colored item in their hand with the colored roll.

Once you establish numbers and are into counting, you can go down the line and they have to put the number of items down the tube based on what number is on the roll. For instance on roll #1, they would put 1 item, roll number 2, they would put 2, and so forth.

In Conclusion

Go with what the child is feeling. My oldest already knows the concepts listed above, so I just let her have fun with it and she would talk it through with her brother. The youngest, only 15 months old here is just learning his colors and so we focused simply on the color aspect for now, and then after a good 10 minutes, I stepped away and just had them free play with it. This activity gave us a good 30 minutes of solid good learning play, and for that it was well worth my time. I plan to whip it out as we begin to master those objectives more, and I imagine that they will have the same reaction.

The best part of all this? I had all the supplies right in my home and it didn't cost me any extra to make!

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