
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Pictures. I took PICTURES.

Two years ago, it would have been unheard of for me not to take at least one picture a day. Unheard of. These days, I'll take 1-5 a day, quickly, on my phone. That is about as good as it gets.

And then a month goes by and I realize that my big girl camera is collecting dust sitting on top of the wine cabinet in our dining room. Dust.

It took me 5 minutes to just snap the scene. Five minutes. Those five minutes, I was reminded of how little time it takes to really capture our life. Not only that, but capture how quickly these children of ours are growing, and how fast they change. Just looking back on the pictures I took a couple weeks ago {or a month, whatever}, Graham's hair had grown so much that I had not even realized it until I compared the pictures.

I know I don't share our life and pictures the way I used to, but it sure is nice to change things up from time to time and just write down the little things that remind me of what/who we are.

Like playing loud obnoxious music in our sunglasses.

Or hoarding items from around the house and make the..."Not me mom" face.

Giving ridiculous big hugs

And planning our paybacks.

It's so exhausting to be this good.

Then we whip out the self timer. Take one.

Take two. 

Nailed it.

And because of that last picture right there... I'm whipping out the camera {and Miss self-timer} more often. 

Done deal.


  1. You've convinced me I need to pull out the timer and capture some wonderful memories with my babies.

  2. Love them!! Aw we miss the old picture posts!!!! Here i was expecting a big annoucement on the pictures!! But none the less love them and hope you go back on doing it more often!

  3. You took amazing pictures at that! What kind of camera do you have?
