
Thursday, June 19, 2014

Score big with ScoreBig.

 This is a #Sponsored post brought to you by ScoreBig. All opinions stated are that of my own.

Who out there loves to save money? Who loves to get a good deal? Who enjoys discovering a new website, a new company, or a new opportunity that concludes to keeping more money in your pocket?

The answer is pretty simple, I think---everyone.

In our family, I'm the penny counting one. I'm the one that obsesses over every dollar we spend and doesn't like to throw away any of it on something that we did not fully think through or that would better benefit us altogether. That being said, I never like to pay full price for anything----clothes, shoes, cars, our home,  our cell phones, and so forth. I have my daily deal sites, I know where to go for discount codes, and I NEVER pay for shipping.

Even if I love something.

One thing that I have never quite figured out how to get for a good price is events. I always paid less money by not getting the best seats out there, but as far as getting a good deal----not happening.

That is until I found out about ScoreBig.

When I read about what the website was about and how it works to get you the best bang for your buck, I realized that it was essentially the same concept as one of my favorite go-to websites for travel---Priceline. Except ScoreBig has nothing to do with travel. It has everything to do with entertainment. Concert tickets, sport tickets, broadway, family shows, and attractions. There are no fees and delivery is free {have I mentioned how much I love the word free}.

How does it work?

  1. You find your event.
  2. You choose where you want to sit {general area}.
  3. You name your price.
  4. You get notified right away if your deal went through.
  5. No fees, no delivery costs, just that easy!

It was honestly a 2-3 minute process for me from start to finish. I thought surely this must get complicated at some point, and it never did. I loved that I was in control and the decision maker as far as what I thought the price should be for the tickets. Better yet, I loved that I could even pick our seating and that I found out the result instantly.

Lucky for my husband, I picked us up a couple NFL tickets in the fall. In celebration of our 5 year anniversary.

Great seats, great company, and an even better deal!

1 comment:

  1. Are you coming to Cincinnati for a Bengals game, I hope?! :)
