
Tuesday, June 10, 2014

What a Father Means to Me and Deals for Dad

This is a #Sponsored post brought to you by Kohl's. All opinions stated are that of my own.

Around this time every year I find myself reflecting on my husband as a father. I guess that is what you do when Father's day approaches, but it is interesting to me how a day can really put things in perspective for you. It also reminds me to do these things on a regular basis---think about my husband and his role in the family, appreciate him more, and acknowledge his hard work. Period.

And so for this Father's day, I wanted to make a top 10 list of things that my husband does that I don't give enough appreciation for. The little things that too often go unnoticed.

1. You clean diapers. Even the dirty ones. And lots of them actually.
2. You give the kids their baths and put them to bed solo 3 times a week when I have to work at the hospital. You even squeeze in books and cuddles and bedtime stories.

3. You play with them. On the ground kind of play with them. You make them laugh until their bellies hurt and you let them do all the fun stuff with you. The kind of stuff that I turn my head and pretend I don't see.
4. You give me my time to sleep, to unwind, and to just get away for a moment while you distract the children. Even if it's for a moment. And even if the smallest child is shaking the gate screaming "mama" for the 20th time. You just do it. And I love you for that

5. You will cook. And not just that---you cook and it is phenomenal.

6. You accept my crazy emails with links to articles without arguing with me. You read them, and then you allow me to talk about it and give you my thoughts. No matter if or if not you agree.

7. You parent with me. Not against me. Not in front or behind me. You parent with me. And if we are not on the same page {and we may very well not be}, and if we don't see eye to eye, you take the time to let me talk about it with you and we figure it out together.

8. You make really good strawberry shortcake and hot fudge sundaes. {That's clearly the most important father role}.

9. You always want to be better. You think about every situation and every discipline and every moment and think about how/what we could have done better. You think about the future and what kind of father you want to be.

10. You want nothing but the best kind of happiness for your family. Because they are your number one in your life.

I could never fully describe my husband and the kind of father that he is to our children. I could never find the perfect gift to show my gratitude, as his wife to him, for all these years of going through parenting with me. But I sure could try to shower him with love and little things that I know will make him smile.

Need ideas? I have them right here for you:
This year, I did my shopping with Kohl's   and I absolutely cannot wait for him to take a peak into his goody basket that the kids and I put together. Of course I shopped with savings in mind, and of course Kohl's never fails to deliver. I can get numerous things of great quality and still have money left over in my pocket.

Above, I have put together my favorite finds, deals and steals, and gifts that will suit all the great dads out there. Plus Kohl's has some coupon codes on their website going on now! Most of the deals that I found above are 50% off regular price or more. Don't forget to get free shipping when you spend $75.00 or more and if you use your Kohl's charge card, you could save up to an additional 30% off!

Nothing says I love you dad like a new razor, some colorful polos, and a brand new spanking watch.

What about you? What are your dads in your life in need of this year?

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