
Monday, July 14, 2014

Gift Idea for a Mama-to-Be: Bedtime Needs

This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group and Playtex, but all opinions are my own. #pmedia #refreshyournursery

It's that season.

The season where those friends that you attended weddings for are now announcing their pregnancies. They're glowing with excitement, they're busy preparing for what will be the biggest life changer in their world, and reveling in the idea of becoming a first time mom. They're also curious–about babies, about labor, and about products. It seems that aside from finding out the gender of the baby, the next greatest thing to do is register for that said baby {or babies}. They're quickly bombarded with this notion that you need it all to survive babyhood, and they become overwhelmed thinking they cannot possibly have it all. And then what? Will they fail? So they turn to you, you experienced moms, to help them out.

Let me tell you a little story.

A couple of months ago, I woke up to a panicked text message from my friend, "Help! I'm going to go register for baby stuff, and pinterest tells me I need everything. Is this true?"

That was the first message. The next 20 consisted of pictures of baby stuff, and asking whether or not she needed that item, how often would she use a certain product, and which one was better than the next. I am fairly certain that she thought because I had two children that surely I must have gone through every baby item Target had ever carried.

I'm also fairly certain she had lost her mind, because the messages were time-stamped at 3:30 in the morning and they ended with—"Why aren't you responding?! This is an emergency!" 

I snickered a little bit before I decide how I am going to answer her. I even contemplated just making a spreadsheet and listing each product mentioned and making my own personal notes next to them. Instead, picking up the phone and calling seemed to be the easiest solution to this crisis.

"I've been there," Seemed to be the best way to start off.

We then went through her registry, one by one, and I suggested to her what to keep and what to get rid of. I also made note of items that had not made her list, and knew right away what I would be making her for her baby shower coming up—The bedtime needs basket. Also known as what you need to get the kids to bed fast and you downstairs even faster to enjoy the piece and quiet.

Baby Shower Gift Idea: Bedtime Needs Theme

1. Diapers: Taped to the outside of the basket so she can simply grab one at night.

2. Wipes: Because a baby needs a soft, clean, hiney to be happy for bed.

3. Pajamas: Nothing is cuter than a baby in pj's.

4. Organic baby powder: My favorite that I picked up at a local farmer's market.

5. Levana baby monitor: small, compact, and attaches right onto the diaper to monitor the baby's breathing and notify you when the baby stops breathing.

6. Goodnight Moon: one of our favorite books to read to the kids at night.

7. Diaper Genie refill: because you go through diapers quicker than you would ever believe, and these bags hold a ton! My friend already had the diaper genie purchased, so I picked up three refills from Target and even got a sweet deal out of it— a $25 Spa-Finder Wellness gift card. Check out the deal at the bottom of the post.

So if you are a first time mom, know a first time mom, or looking for ideas for a great baby shower gift, remember this: less is more. You don't have to have it all to make your life easier, you just have to know what will. The nighttime needs?

Those will.

And because I am a sucker for deals, I must tell you about a great deal going on at Target right now where you buy three or more diaper genie refills and get a free $25 Spa-Finder Wellness gift card. Simply save your receipt, visit this website and follow the steps to redeem! **Limited, while supplies last.


  1. I ended up making my own basket like this, but it was SOOOOO necessary. I was able to take it to the living room during the day and our bedroom at night and it was so convenient. I don't think we even went into his nursery until he was 4-5 weeks old.

  2. Something that connects the basket to the person is what is needed. It can be as simple as a favorite color, a favorite scent, a trinket they like, the possibilities are endless. But, finding that connection is the key to making the gift something personal, it lets the receiver know that someone took the time and thought to find a gift that was especially for them. That is the best gift of all.
    Gifts Baskets New York

  3. What wonderful ideas! I also enjoy your baby sleeping tips. And I know how to sleep my child. I check your blog daily to see what is new with you! Thanks!
