
Friday, August 15, 2014

Five years of marriage.

Today is 5 years of marriage. Five years. I still cannot believe that it's been only five years since the day we said our vows, yet at the same time, I cannot believe it's only been five years. It seems as though we have been married forever, and I also feel like I don't remember {nor want to remember} a life without Andrew by my side.

I wrote him a letter, and although I won't include that letter in this post, I will include a snippet of all the things that we have been through in 5 years. The big things, I should say.

We graduated from Purdue.
I got my first big girl nursing job.
You went on to go to graduate school.
Got pregnant.
We bought our first home at the age of 23.
Had Elliana.
I switched working days to nights.
You graduated with a masters in public administration.
You got your first big boy job.
Got pregnant again.
Had Graham the day after Christmas.
Went to Hilton Head Island 3 times, twice with two kids.
Bought 3 cars {really 4 if you count the first one 6 months prior} and learned a big lesson on car buying.
Celebrated some really great holidays and birthdays with those we love the most.
And tackled this parenting gig together.
Not always agreeing, and not always with smiling faces, but we did it... together. Just like we do everything else in life.
So to you my husband, my best friend, my soul mate, and my better half. I love you more than the day we said I do, and I never had imagined that could have been possible. It is.

Here is to us and the next 70+ years of marriage to come. I love you.


  1. gorgeous photos! happy anniversary! so many wonderful things accomplished :)

  2. Happy Anniversary! You two are such a great couple :)

  3. Beautiful pictures. Beautiful couple. Great accomplishments in just 5 years, Blessings to you both!
