
Sunday, August 3, 2014

I've been absent. I've been away. I'm TAN!

As much as I would like to open up this post apologizing for my very long drawn out absence from this space {an entire week of no posting is a record high for me}, I won't.

I won't because I knew prior to going on vacation that I would be taking a break, and I won't because I know that it's really not that big of a deal. As much as I'd like to think that people actually missed coming to this space and reading up on our lives, I have to admit that I know better than that. Which makes me feel just a tad bit better about my sudden disappearance.

Before the real blogging comes back, this post will serve as a little checklist of things of where I've been and what's to come. And because there is no way to share 600+ pictures on this space, in a matter of a week, I will go ahead and squeeze some of my favorite vacation favorites at the end.

Or now.

Because, I just can't help it.


1. This week will be all about vacation. I apologize in advance and if you hate to read about sand, and beaches, and see ridiculous cute pictures of two little ones {and two big adults} and maybe 14 others, then I don't blame you if you don't come back until next week. I'm putting together a video {this will be the third year in a row of me doing so} with combined pictures and video footage from the week. I've always struggled with keeping it under 10 minutes, and after going through what I have so far, I have no idea how I will do so again this year.

2. Oh yes, we were on vacation. I never mention on this space about said vacation until we are actually gone {or come back}, but like I mentioned earlier, I kind of didn't mention anything at all. Mute for a week. However, if you follow me on instagram @frommrstomama, you may have already seen and caught on to our little trip to Hilton Head. It was amazing to say the least. Crazy, and exhausting as well—but what do you expect when you travel with kids. There were a total of 18 of us, and a couple nights were quite interesting.

3. There are no truer words as: you need a vacation after you get back from vacation. Now, I'm sure that wouldn't be the case if we did not travel with children, but I tell you what. Vacationing is something else when little ones are involved. That being said, I am so glad that I had a couple days off after coming home to regroup, unpack, and get things back in order.

4. Detox is also key. I'm on a detox all week. Who knows, maybe even longer. No carbs, no fatty foods, no sweets. Nothing strict or official, but just something I decided when I came home. Literally, I have just been eating eggs, fruit, vegetables, and last night had a turkey burger with no bun. I need this. Not to mention I gained 3 pounds in a week. Even after all that chasing around on the beach.

5. Tans do in fact look better. As much as I do not miss the tanning bed or laying outside for hours on end, I do enjoy having a little sun kissed tan on me. And the kids. Their tan lines are even sweeter than ours.

And at that, I must run. Why? Because we are starting the second season of game of thrones and that show is ADDICTING.

Even more addicting than looking at vacation pictures.


  1. So sweet!! We're fixing to head out this weekend for Edisto & I can.not.wait. for this much needed little break!! & I can see a detox needed in my near future as well... ;)

  2. Looks like fun. We are heading to Charleston in 2 weeks, and I can't wait! My husband and I are actually taking an anniversary trip to the Bahamas the week after we return, so we really do get a vacation from our vacation :).

  3. All of these pictures are so sweet!! We are going on vacation in a couple of weeks and I'm so excited! Your vacation posts this week will help me mentally prepare to go (because who can't use a little more preparation for vacation).

    PS. Your bod is awesome! Great work, mama.
