
Thursday, August 7, 2014

Nap time confessions. The best kind you know.

It's been a while since I had the opportunity to put the kids down for a nap and be able to blog {usually because I'm napping with them due to work that evening}. But since I am off, and since I have no other household chores to attend to {ha}, I am going to write down a couple thoughts. That is until my kids wake up.... my bet is going to be G man first. So.
1. Found this questionnaire to do every year with the kids. I'm trying to put a little book together for the kid's birthdays, and I am going to add this list of questions to it. It will be really cute to ask them the same questions everywhere {and some I am going to add/change}, and see what their answers are as the years go by.
2. Vacation. I have my vacation album finished and on its way to my doorstep. Pretty good for only 5 days post vacation. Speaking of, I want to finish our vacation video this week as well as the end of our posts so that I can really take on August by storm without anything holding me back. And until I finish something... it's always on the back of my mind.

Speaking of August, we took a walk to the park today and it was/is so beautiful outside. August to me, so far, has felt like fall. And I'm totally not complaining.

3. Husband's hair. So I shared this picture on Monday after E's soccer practice and I had a little chuckle when I read so many people didn't recognize Andrew because of his hair. I always mess with him about his "pretty" hair, but seriously...I love it. I have to agree with the ladies and say that he pulls it off well.
4. Halloween. Yes, we are already making those plans and I kind of sort of want to be that family that has a theme. However, that's in the big girl's hands. She got to pick her costume last year, and we plan on giving her options this year as well. Perhaps if she picks something fun we can all join in. Graham is going to be a mama's boy. Funny me, he is that already 365 days a year. 
5. Homemade mayo. I cannot believe that I am about to confess that I made my own mayo. With my hands. Using only 5 ingredients. And whisking for 12 minutes. Whisking. Pretty sure I will be churning butter in no time. Now, to be completely honest, I am no a fan of mayo period. It's probably been 5+ years since I even purchased mayo so this definitely will not be a common occurrence, however, since I was making homemade chicken salad, I thought it would be worth a try. It turned out good {I think}, but I mean it's not like I have anything to compare it to.... I don't even remember what mayo is supposed to taste like. And by it turned out good, I mean the chicken salad. Like I said, not a fan of just mayo. 
6. I wish I had the money. There's a big sale on Zulily on Prada...I know, totally random, but I mean the bags are gorgeous, and the deal is great....but I need about another 1700 discount before I would even consider buying the bag. Doubt that will ever happen.
I do, however, have the money for this sweet fruit infuser that is on sale right now! I need to drink more water, and my friend had one of these and they really do work. I'll give it a try.

And this awesome Sperry sale! They have them for men and kids too.

7. Fun activity to do with kids. This morning, during our school time session, we did a little fun activity with Graham that I shared on instagram. This activity helps with learning the concept of size and big versus small. I simply used a shoe box and cut out different size holes. I then gathered different objects such as pom poms, buttons, caps, jewels, balls, etc. Then we spent 10 minutes where I would help Graham and ask him which hole the objects would fit in, which objects could go in the smallest hole, smaller vs. bigger objects, and so forth. We would start with the smallest size hole and then if the object didn't fit we would say "TOO BIG!" and move along. He really caught on pretty well, and then I let the two of them just have fun and and stuff whatever they wanted in the holes. It was a great learning activity and it sure did keep their curious hands busy. 

1 comment:

  1. That kids activity is so awesome! Something I can really do with my boys! Also...thanks for sharing that questionnaire. I'm saving it!!!
