
Friday, February 13, 2015

A Daily Binder for Kids

Every day, we write down the day of the week,day, month, and year  on our dry-erase board. We add the season and then write down a few sentences; sometimes about our plans for the day, sometimes about what is to come that week, or sometimes something that has already happened. I add a number to read out loud {we have recently advanced to reading to in the 1,000's} and then draw a picture of a clock to tell time. It takes about 5 minutes, and it's a great starting point for our structured {yet, not-so-structured-learning}.  In other words, this gives us a little structure in a day that is otherwise go-with-the-flow.

Well then I got to thinking and I thought about how I could incorporate another addition to what we have been doing daily, and that's when the binder idea came to mind.

I've already changed it up and made something different than my original, and I'm sure it will continue to change, but here are some things that are in our binder:


In the front is a picture of the calendar for the current month {February}. And then we write anything special that is planned for the month {Valentine's day, birthdays, classes, gymnastics, etc].
The actual print out can be found here


The month is:                                                          

The day of the week is:                                    The day is:                            The year:                         

The weather is: {They circle, then write it out:                                                                         

image print out can be found here

I feel:                                                                                                                            

Number: 4,238                                            

Bible Verse:

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."
Genesis 1:1

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."
Joshua 1:9

In the blank space, I draw a clock with different time for her to write in.

I imagine that as each month changes, we will have different things added to the sheet to change it up and give her something different to do.


But the favorite part of it, is that she gets to draw a picture {anything she wants} on the back of each sheet and then we talk about it. It's really fun to see where her creative mind takes her and to see all the changes as time progress. I can't wait to make something like this for Graham when he gets older!

I'd like to make Graham a large poster board similar to this, but one where he can just pin stuff to the board instead of the writing aspect since he does not know how to write just yet.

Any more ideas to incorporate? Love to hear what I could add on!


  1. thought i would comment on this post to show you i actually don't judge everything you post ;)
    i like the idea of writing down the date, time, number etc. every day on a board, and I'm keeping that idea in my back pocket for when my two are a tiny bit older

    1. Thank you. I was nervous opening up my email to see you left another comment, and so I thank you for surprising me and for your kind words.

  2. This is a GREAT idea! My daughter asks me every day if it's Sunday, and I need to find a good way of telling her NO lol

  3. Love the idea. Thanks for sharing, I was hoping you would :)
