
Friday, April 17, 2015

Cutting hair=no no, Creepy men at park= Weird, Sunshine=HAPPINESS.

Graham is napping, Elliana is reading, and although I should be resting myself before I head out to my first night shift tonight {of 3 in a row}, I've decided to throw my thoughts out on the keyboard. Nothing life changing or important to write about, but yet, so important and memorable all at the same time. Our lives that is. Just our simple, every day lives that are important to no one else but ourselves. Moments that I want to remember, and some just random thoughts in general.

I used to do that on the regular— jot down thoughts sporadically throughout the day. That's why scheduled posts worked so well for me. Now it's like I get these thoughts and unless I write them down right away, then they just never get put into anything.

Not that they are anything.

But alas, here are a few things that I learned today:

1. Cutting hair is not my greatest skill. Look Graham has been to the hairdresser 3 times now, all that were painful and full of horror for all of us. Only 1 time did it actually turn out okay, and the other 2 were just BLEH. So this morning I took it upon myself to do the dirty deed. The problem is, I have never used clippers before {properly} and I probably should have had a better game plan before I started. But, with M&M's in hand {bribery for the win}, and a very unsure toddler in the other, we went to town. And at first I was doing okay. But then I wanted to get all fancy and next thing I knew there was a chunk out here, and a chunk out there, and there was no going back. How can you put hair back exactly? You can't. I think it looks good until you check out the details.... but hair grows up and he's 2 so I see it as this: Best time ever to practice! Plus? NO TEARS!

2. Boy potty training is much different than girl potty training. We have just been "talking" about potty training for the past couple months and even went as far as not wearing diapers 50% off the time, to allow him to understand the process. And for a month now, he really knew when to hold it {he could go up to 8 hours}, but really feared the toilet. Not sure why he was scared, but we just decided not to push it until he was ready {learned my mistake with Elli and realized how easy it was then when she was the one taking the lead}. Well a few days ago, he came up to me and said he wanted to go potty and we had our first success ever—full on cheers, high fives, popsicles, and calling everyone in our phone book to tell them about the greatest thing ever. So since then, he has been successful about 50% of the time, which I thought that he would just automatically get it like his sissy did. I think he really just doesn't care, so we shall see where this journey takes us. I am confident though that even if it does take a while until we are 100% successful all the time, at least I know by the time baby comes he will be fully trained. And those stinky cloth diapers are taking a much needed break.

3. We need to move down south, asap. We went to the park this morning and spent 2 hours at the little beach area. We kicked off our shoes and socks, rolled up our pants, and got dirty from head to toe from splashing in the water to digging big holes and it was by far the greatest feeling in the world. Sunshine is honestly my idea of happiness. I could outside all day just watching my kids play {and joining them when they scream- "HEY MAMA, COME OVER HERE!" Gladly!}. No wonder in the winter we are all just a bunch of grumps— stuck inside and staring at the dreary sky and shivering from the freezing cold temperatures. Then I got to thinking and wondering... why are we still here! We need to move south as soon as possible. If only there was a way to pack up the rest of my family to come with us. A bike ride to the beach. A pool in the backyard. A year long sun-kissed-skin on our bodies. Flip flop and shorts weather. One day it will happen.

4. My radar is up at all times. I've watched too much law and order. After we played on the beach in our neighborhood, we headed to the park to play and about 20 minutes in, a white car pulled up {in the parking spot directly in front of the park, instead of the back} and there was a male in the car and he sat in the car, "on his phone." for the remaining 20 minutes that we were there. It was so weird, so creepy, and I automatically thought of the 20 ways that I was going to fight him off —sharp key in the eye, a swift kick in the nuts, and a large wooden stick laying in front up directly across his head. Thankfully it didn't lead to that, but seriously who comes to the park to just sit in there car? Especially a man during the day.

5. I LOVE taking pictures. Seriously aside from my husband, kids, and family {and sunshine}, nothing makes me happier than being behind the camera. I got to do a senior graduation session {college} and it was so much fun, and the sessions are lining up!

6. I can't believe it's taken me this long to order this monthly subscription. I've been reading so much about it, and the amazing learning opportunities that they come with, and I am absolutely floored. I am so excited to be able to do this monthly with the kids and to have a little surprise show up at our doorstep. If you are interested in trying it out, use my referral link to get $10 off your first month {and it will only be $10 total---a steal!}.

1 comment:

  1. Love keeping up with you on Instagram! I had to comment today because I feel like we're living the same lives, lol. I wish I knew how to cut Kase's hair. Luckily my sister in law does hair so I bug her every couple months to do it for us. My husband took him to sport clips once and he totally freaked out. Also, there was seriously a guy in a white car on his phone sitting right at the end of our drive way yesterday. We went to run errands and he had to move his car so we could get out. But then he stayed there. So weird! Hope it's not the same creep making his way around :)
