
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Thursday Randoms

Thursday Randoms
Time out. We have been enforcing it since Elliana turned 16 months old, and she's been doing really with it since. A couple of days ago we actually had an incident where she was climbing the couch and I had walked over to her to discipline her. I started saying "Elliana, that is a No no. Off the couch." She then proceeded to get off. And before I could even say the words "time out" she walked over to her time out corner and just stood there smiling. Now. How was I not supposed to just scoop her up right there and then and give her ten million kisses? Okay, I did.

I purchased Elliana more educational videos. We know how much she is in love with the Baby Einstein. So I thought I would test out some leap frog ones. The reviews were great so I thought, hey, why not. Oh no. Elliana just started say "no no no" and whining and hitting the DVD player saying "shooowww" for her Baby Einstein show. I'm not sure what about it she didn't like. I think because it was all cartoon characters? Not sure. Regardless, it was a fail.

Elliana has really been into 1. Climbing on top of her little table or on the chairs. and 2. Finding crayons and drawing on anything but paper. AKA our furniture and hardwood floors. Therefore, I have to hide them... and somehow, she finds more.

Elliana and I went to whole foods this week and finally there was a cart open with the little car attached. So therefore this was the first time E got to drive in the little car while we shopped. Lets just say she giggled the whole entire time.

I made some pretty good new recipes these week. Specifically the turkey meatballs. I can't wait to share it... and I promise, I will.

Our family needs to go on a budget. We have been budget free for as long as I can remember... but now I would like for us to become more "strict" with our spending. AKA me, more strict with my spending.

I bought the one piece for swim lessons. Yes. I caved. I know my first bikini experience swim lessons was fine... although I was the only one. But I did it.

Yesterday, Elliana came over to me while I was laying on the couch. Climbed onto the couch. And then proceeded to rest her head on me while giving me the biggest hug ever. I died.

Remember how I said on Monday that I would share my wall art DIY project that I had been working on once husband put up the masterpiece? Well, I guess he decided to take it upon himself to put it up one night... the night that I was at work. Without asking. And he was so proud of himself the next morning when I came home... except... it was exactly what I didn't want it to look like. So it needs fixed, asap.

Hung out with my big boy nephew Dawson on Sunday. He's a funny little character. He begs for E to come over, but as soon as she does, he acts all wild and belligerent. He tries to push her down and I swear if we weren't around, he would try to knock her down all the time.

I also got to snuggle up with my newest nephew, Joel, Dawson's brother. He is just a week old and absolutely precious. He slept on my chest for almost 2 hours... and I definitely hit baby fever mode. BAD.

I went to Kohls, and walked out with new PJ's for Elliana, and 3 picture frames. I ended up paying only 2 dollars plus some change, and saved 58 dollars. SCORE.

Working on Elliana's 4th baby album. All for her first year. It's ridiculous, and so time consuming. But I love these books... I cherish them.
I walked in the other night and found Elliana sleeping in an awkward position. And then I noticed that she had pulled in all the dirty clothes from the laundry basket next to her bed. That child of mine.

On Friday, we attended my mother in law's retirement party at her job. She is officially a retired woman. It was also her birthday. So we were with the people we love celebrating such a beautiful day, and it was really special. The last two pictures above are from that day. With Andrew's sister and her husband, and Elliana passed out from all the festivities.

Love my family.
I have a fabulous giveaway coming up next week. One lucky reader will win a $50.00 credit to Kiki La Rue', and believe me, you will have a dilemma choosing how to spend that credit. Her stuff is Amazing. Go check out her stuff and come back on Tuesday to enter and hear about how much I loved what I got!

Blog book... remember when I blogged about my precious blog book that just came in the mail? Well guess what... someone will have the opportunity to turn their blog into a book as well since I will be hosting a giveaway for blog2print in 2 weeks. A week from Tuesday, May 9th. Be sure to come back and enter... believe me, you won't regret it! Start making your blog here. 

Chicago trip recap... it's coming, I promise. Not next week, but the week after. It will be on the blog. The posts are ready and scheduled!

$215 goody Giveaway Winner: Comment #27. Lexi Loo, Lily Boo, and Dylan Too
Scheduled Posts
Friday: I'm loving
Saturday: Easter Day Pictures
Monday: What a 
Friendship Means
Tuesday: A Fashion Post and GIVEAWAY; Kiki La Rue'
Wednesday: Sometimes baths make you feel like a kid again.
Thursday: Thursday Randoms


  1. Ha, I wouldn't know what to do with her timeout cleverness! LOVE it, she is so adorable!! And I'm looking forward to your blog2print post. I gotta get on that!!

  2. Lily was sitting on my lap, and hit submit the enter button before I could finish. Love the photo collage-it looks like she loved sitting in the car cart! Those things are hard to push, though!

  3. What website do you use to make your photobooks?

  4. lol about the Leap Frog videos ha!! Gunner did the SAME THING when I tried to get him to watch those at first, but after a while, he started asking for them. I say strap her to a chair and force her to watch them :)

    kidding kidding.

  5. oh my gosh...the time out story - i die!!! Addie generally just looks at me and says "no" back when I tell her "no"...its so hard not to laugh:) I love all of the pics...the bed head one is adorable:)

    Hope you guys are having a great week!

  6. Great 'in the life of' pictures. Can't wait for all your giveaways, especially the blog book. I've been thinking about doing it for so long!
