
Friday, November 9, 2012

31 week bump attack and more

Life has been super busy this week with Elliana's big birthday {yesterday} and her party coming up {tomorrow}. I squeezed in all my nights of work sunday, monday, tuesday {remind me to never do three in a row ever again} and have been busy spoiling my sweet princess on her special day.

Today calls for us {and my sister} to be running around town picking up more party supplies, food, and then getting the house in order. Have I ever mentioned how there are not enough hours in the day? Good. Because then you wouldn't be surprised when I said...

There. Are. Not. Enough. Hours. In. The. Day.

That being said, I will formally apologize here to all the people I have not emailed back this week. And won't be emailing back until at least Sunday {after the party is all done}. So. I'm sorry, but I'm not sorry because life is a pretty important right around these parts.

Anyways, I am totally rambling here and I should be talking about my pregnancy since this is what it''s all about.

Many of you may have already seen that picture on instagram yesterday, and guess get to see it again! Oops.

That would be a 31 week bump. Not much to report here. I think I may have gained a pound {surprised it's not more}. I have another doctor appointment on Monday {these are just flying by} and I will officially be 8 months here in a few short days. Who else has their chin down to the ground? Hello fast second pregnancy.

The only thing I really want to mention about this week is the number of people {at work} who have said to me..."Oh my, I didn't even know you were pregnant! How far along are you?"

Um. SAY WHAT. Did you think that I've been stuffing a watermelon under my shirt this whole time because it's halloween all year round?

Okay, then. I'll take it as a compliment. Really. It is pretty flattering of people to say that I don't look very pregnant.

No worries though, as soon as my sister came over last night the first thing that came out of her mouth was...

"That is one big belly!"

I tell you what. Family knows best.

Happy Friday friends!


  1. You look fantastic! It's funny how one person will tell you you're tiny and the other will say you look huge. I have to know where your shirt/dress is from, it's adorable! :)

  2. I can't believe you're already 31 wks! You look fabulous! Good luck with the birthday parties. :)

  3. I'm 4 weeks behind you with our 4th girl. I love your updates!

    Love your shirt :)

  4. Good luck with Elliana's party! I'm sure it will be wonderful. And you look great! You really do.

  5. You look great! Have a great weekend and a super birthday party!

  6. I had people say that to me too lol I was like, "my stomach is huge and I'm waddling... did you just think I was fat??" :)
    You look absolutely beautiful! I hope Elliana has a wonderful birthday!

  7. I can't believe your co-workers didn't notice you were pregnant?! Prob bc you are SO tiny everywhere except your belly and they prob didn't want to ask or say something and be rude! I always get nervous to ask someone unless I know for sure bc I don't want to offend someone!

    Happy friday to YOU and Happy Birthday party weekend to E!!!! :)

  8. Lookin' good mama! I feel like your pregnancy is going by so fast! Almost there...hang in there :)

  9. You look fabulous!! I just love the baby bump & your dress! lol Good luck with the party tomorrow! And happy {late) birthday to E!!! xoxo

  10. I can't wait to see party pictures!!

  11. Congratulations! When are you due? I'm due January 11 with our first and it is flying by! Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy!

  12. I have told you tons girl you are the prettiest preggers girl EVER, pregnancy suits you, you look amazing! I can't wait to see pics of Ellianna's big day I know it's beyond fantastic! Your little princess is gorgeous!


  13. You have the sweetest bump on the planet! So precious!

  14. You look fabulous, such a cute little baby bump! :)
