
Thursday, November 8, 2012

The Happy Two Years Letter to our Daughter

Here I sit again. One year later. Wishing you a happy birthday. I should get used to this. You know... the part of you getting older, birthday celebrations... yearly letters. But I'm not. And I don't know if I ever will. And although we have been at this for two years, I still feel as though you are my baby that I just brought home from the hospital.

I remember that day like it was just yesterday. You were so perfect from the minute we saw you. We fell in love with every feature of yours, every sounds you made, every kick of the arm and leg, every coo and ahh. Even the way you slept with your little tush sticking out, with your ams at your side and your lips all puckered out. The way you cried. The way you would look at us. The way you fit so perfectly into our lives.
And when your papa and I sit down and talk about you as a newborn {which we do often}, we can't help but giggle because baby girl, you are the exact same.

You have been at our side from day one. Never wanting to be far from us. Attached to our every move. Very stubborn and opinionated. Very independent yet needy. Never a dull moment. Keeping us on our toes. Making each and every day exciting, fun, and memorable.

I remember writing about how 'easy' of a baby you were. How I had no idea why anyone would ever complain. And then I saw other newborns. And one by one... your papa and I would say 'Wow. Our sweet E was never that quiet. Never that still. Never that content."

But we didn't know any better. Nor would we have wished any different. Because how you were, and how you are now, is absolute perfection in our eyes. We have loved every moment, milestone, and adventure with you in our lives. Not a day goes by that we aren't blessed by your pesence, your quirky personality, and your contagious smile. Not a day.

I think about the future and what lies ahead. I see you already changing. Your baby features slowly disappearing as you grow thinner, longer, and leaner. I see your personality unfolding. The way you want to make decisions. The way you think through things and the way you act during certain situations. The way....

I hate to say this... the way you are growing up... right before our eyes.

And here come the waterworks.

My sweet, precious, beautiful, daughter Elliana. I wish I could explain to you how badly I want to bottle you up and keep you right by my side just the way you are forever. How badly I wish I could freeze time and savor these sweet childhood memories. How much my heart desires for you to love me like you do now forever and ever.

In your eyes, right now, I am everything. The way you need me. The way you call for me. The way you wrap your arms around me late at night, hold me, and tell me that you love me. Oh, Elliana, if you only knew what you do to me. How you make my heart feel. The way you have changed our lives.

I know they say that you can't possibly describe unconditional love for a child until you become a parent, and here I sit and those words couldn't be more true. There are not enough words, not enough descriptions, not enough ways for me to sit here and try to illustrate the enormous amount of love that your papa and I have for you. The kind of love that one could only dream of. The kind of love that makes us appreciate life on a whole different level. 

Our lives have never been the same since you came into this world, and we are two very lucky people to be able to say that you are our daughter and we are your parents.

Thank you Elliana for making us the happiest people on earth. For your smiles. For your giggles. For the sweetest hugs and warmest kisses. The snuggles. The constant entertainment. The late night chats. The never ending memories.

We look forward to the many years ahead of us, and we hope you always remember just how special you truly are to us baby girl.

'You are so beautiful, you are so smart, you are so special, we love you with all of our hearts."
Love you to the moon and back, infinity and beyond, over and over again,
Mama and Papa.


  1. Oh the tears! Happy birthday sweet Elli! Congrats mama and papa on 2 years! What a blessing xoxox

  2. This is the sweetest letter! I almost did the ugly cry. Happy Birthday beautiful Elliana!

  3. Sweetest letter ever. Happy 2nd birthday to your sweet girl. I know exactly how your feeling, my daughter will be 2 nov 29th

  4. Dang it! I'm crying! Have a wonderful day celebrating that gorgeous girl!

  5. awww...happy birthday to her! Makes me so sad that my youngest will be 2 in's true that they grow way too fast!

  6. oh happy day to you and your sweet sweet little girl!

  7. Such a beautiful post to your sweet baby girl!! Happy 2nd birthday to Elli!

  8. OH girl the waterworks my friend, now that made me tear up like woah! This is such a beautiful letter and Ellianna will treasure this forever! I love this and you and I had to chuckle for the hubs and I always cherish every single moment with our Kelcee and always thought she was the most quiet baby and now we see other babies and think well Kelcee wasn't ever that quiet ha! Happy 2nd Birthday Elli I know it's gonna rock your socks off because your momma and papa rocks!


  9. Happy second birthday, sweet girl!!!

  10. sweetest letter! Elliana is lucky to have you as a mama! happy birthday sweet girl!


  11. Thanks for the good cry this morning! Such a beautiful letter. Happy 2nd birthday to E! I hope y'all have a rest day celebrating!

  12. Total water works over here. What a beautiful letter....Happy 2nd Birthday to your sweet Elliana. I hope you have a fabulous day celebrating your little love!

  13. What a beautiful letter! So beautiful that even I started to cry. You guys are an amazing family & I am so glad that we are friends & you guys are in my life. Amazing people & Elliana is one of the most precious children. Happy 2 years to your baby girl and Happy 2 years of parenting to you and Andrew. You guys are doing an AMAZING job. xo

  14. Absolutely beautiful. Happy Birthday E!

  15. such a sweet sweet note! happiest birthday to your baby girl! she will thoroughly enjoy these letters from her mama one day:)

  16. Such a sweet post, Happy Birthday little girl!

  17. Happppy 2nd Birthday beautiful lil princess 'and happy mommiversary!' ;)

  18. This was so sweet! I am almost in tears {oh pregnancy hormones!! haha}. The years certainly goes by fast and unfortunately, it never gets easier. I cry every year on my kids birthday's and my son is 9. Happy Birthday Elliana!

  19. What a beautiful letter! She was a doll newborn baby! Happy birthday Elliana :)

  20. Gorgeous post! Made me tear up! She is so beautiful, and your love for her is also! :)

  21. Happy Birthday! I have been following your blog fro a long time and it seems as if she just turned one!

  22. Happy Birthday Princess. Awe, love all the pictures. I get the waterworks easily even since I don't have little ones yet.

  23. A mother's words! So beautiful. Happy birthday little one!

  24. Happy birthday E!!

    Talk about UGLY tears, I've got them over here!! This letter and these photos are just beautiful!! E is SO lucky to have you and Andrew as parents!! :) Happy 2 years of mamahood to you!! =)

  25. Oh my GOODNESS! I can't believe your GORGEOUS little girl is already TWO! I remember starting to follow you when you were pregnant and thought you must be the most beautiful preggo I'd ever seen - JEALOUS! Now, this second pregnancy of yours is going by in the blink of an eye {for me at least...}. Happy birthday to Elli!

  26. Loved your sweet letter!! Happy Birthday E!!! May God bless you!!

  27. What a beautiful letter for your special little girl!! :)

  28. so beautiful! this letter, your baby girl, just beautiful! i can't believe she is 2!! that unconditional, you feel like your heart might burst love is just the absolute best. happy birthday sweet elliana!

  29. Such a sweet letter! :) Happy Birthday to a beautiful girl! I know exactly how you feel, and I hate to say it, but it doesn't get any easier... Hope you've had a blessed day with her!

  30. PS- I tried to post a comment to what E eats page and I can't. Don't' know if it's my PC or that post isn't open to comments. Anyways, I just wanted to say thanks for posting that. It helps for the future with Noah. I am trying to stick with Organic as much as I can for him. He's now 10 months and I am starting to give him finger foods. Any tips, suggestions on some good organic stuff to buy for this age and onwards? Thanks!
