
Sunday, January 27, 2013

A Couple Things. And Instagram Collage.

*First, I want to start off by saying thank you to everyone who has introduced themselves on Friday's post. I had so much fun that night and yesterday during nap time reading a little about everyone, who they are, where they're from, and why they read. I have only gotten a chance to reply to a fraction of the people so far, but I'm getting there! Also, there were about 50 people that were no-reply emails... so I wasn't able to reply to some people and answer some questions. Please be sure to check your settings. And if you haven't introduced yourself yet, please do! I'd love to get to know you more.

*We are really enjoying gymnastics. It's a ten week every Saturday class and Elliana thrives in it. We were a bit nervous after the first week because Elliana was over-the-top excited, but she has done so well the past two weeks. It is something we look forward to all week. I'm in the process now of signing her up for swim lessons and dance. Then hopefully soccer in the fall. If you have a toddler who you signed up for soccer, let me know what age you did so and if they enjoyed it! I think Elliana will love it, as one of her favorite things is kicking the ball.

*Little man turned one yesterday. One month, I mean really. His one month post is scheduled for this week. I think on Tuesday.

*The weather around these parts has been in the single digits. Freezing. Needless to say, we have been pretty cooped up and trying to keep ourselves busy with crafts and varies activities. It's still not enough though. I'm ready for warm weather.

*I'm looking for a great dance/activity DVD for Elliana. Any recommendations? I want something she can dance to and it gets her moving {since the weather isn't cooperating}.

*Which reminds me.. I need a recommendation for a workout video. I'm ready to get abs of steel. Tell me what worked for you and how you liked the DVD's that you tried. Thank you in advance!

*Anyone notice anything different on the blog? Yeah yeah, I know I said I wouldn't change it. It's just a slight change. I wanted to freshen things up. I still have a couple more changes coming.... in time.

*I have a fabulous giveaway coming up this week from this cute boutique! Check it out!

*If you are looking for a great valentine's day gift, or looking to get a canvas, check out this deal on eversave. You get a 16x20 canvas for $36 and this includes free shipping. I have used this company for a couple canvases in our home and have been pleased each time.

*I have tons to talk about around here. Lots of talk about life with two, how things are different, some funny posts, and more. I'm not sure why anyone even listens to my rambles or why I feel the need to blabber so much... but hey they are scheduled and coming. Hopefully I will get a lot of questions answered that people have emailed me about.

That's all I have. Happy Sunday :)


  1. The 30 Day Shred and Ripped in 30, both by Jillian Michaels are some of the best workout DVDs I've seen. Ripped in 30 is much harder I think. They're only 20 minutes and you just need some hand weights. Got me back in bikini shape after 2 kids!

  2. Look up Amanda Russell on YouTube - she has a 6 minute ab video that I do twice a few times a week and can really tell a difference!

  3. A few things. First of all, I love the small change to the layout. What I am trying to figure out is how you know everything about...everything. haha. You are super mama, nurse, wife, blogger genius, and layout designer. I mean, what DON'T you do? Teach me your ways :)

    Another thing, that video you posted of Elliana the other day saying "oops" was the cutest thing ever. I probably clicked play at least 5 times.

    I can't believe it's been a MONTH since baby Graham has been on this little Earth. He is so precious. Now stop making me want a baby! ;)

  4. When you say check your setting what exactly do you mean? Thanks! Lauren

  5. Moms Into Fitness by Lindsay Brin. She is awesome and it's made specifically for post partum. I did it with my first and can't wait to get started again after I pop this second one out!!

  6. Moms Into Fitness by Lindsay Brin is FANTASTIC! It's designed specifically for post partum too. I did it with my first and as soon as I pop out this next one I can't wait to get started again!

  7. I didn't introduce myself the other day, but I am Jennifer! I have two little boys (4 years old and 9 months) and two dogs. I recently "retired" and now to get stay home full time. I'm loving it!

    Ramblings of a Suburban Mom

  8. I am Kortnie and I have three little ones...Jonah is 4, Sadie is almost 2 1/2, and Quinton is almost 4 months! I stay at home and I couldn't be more thankful that I am able to do so. I just LOVE your blog!!! You are an amazing writer and it's so fun to read. And of course I just love reading mom blogs for advice and funny kid stories:) Your two are ADORABLE!!!

  9. First of all - Wow on trying to write back everyone who commented on your post the other day! That is amazing. I think I must be one who doesn't have their settings right and can't seem to figure it out. Any tips?

  10. So many cute photos, thanks for sharing!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  11. I do the 30 day shred by Jillian Michaels, it kicks my butt but I like it. I want to get Kaylee and Keira into gymnastics, I think they would love it. Happy one month to your little man. My little one turned 3 months today!

  12. Love the photos mamma! I enjoy seeing them on IG :)I cannot believe little man is already 1 month old.

  13. We LOVE the choo choo soul DVD. It's educational and my girls love dancing to it!

  14. These photos are great!

    Would love for you and your readers to check out if you're ever interested in printing out your instagram photos! it's time to make your photographic memories of your children into more than just a JPEG ;)

    We have different layouts, additional photo filters and FREE facebook cover photo collages. PosterFuse allows you to also choose photos from your Facebook albums for your collages so that you have access to all of your photo sources when you're collaging! They make great gifts for friends and family who don't live close enough to witness your children's milestones.

    If you have any questions, please feel free to contact

  15. Your new design looks wonderful! Also, looove the pics. Your kids are way too presh. I really appreciate the time you took to respond to my comment the other day you are a true sweetheart!

  16. I introduced myself on your other post and I think I was one of the ones that didn't have their settings right. I think I have it fixed now. I had no idea I even had to set that. Thanks for making me aware.


  17. I introduced myself on your other post and I think I was one of the ones that didn't have their settings right. I think I have it fixed now. I had no idea I even had to set that. Thanks for making me aware.


  18. Many poinMany thanks for this brilliant post! ts have extremely useful. Hopefully you'll continue sharing your knowledge around.
