
Monday, January 28, 2013

Toddlerhood. It's Contagious.

Elliana is so two.
She is all personality. Stubborn. Strong-willed. Adventurous. Fun. Happy.Curious. Every other word you could think of that describes the best stage in the world.

Did you spit out your coffee? Did she really just say "best" stage in the world.

Okay, okay, yes, I know... it's also quite the challenging stage. It is. I'm not going to lie here. Having such a strong-willed two year old proves to be very difficult at times... many times. However, that being said, it doesn't change the fact that it is by far my favorite stage.

I love this constant talking, constant running around, constant head full of imagination toddler.

How fun it is to watch my daughter form new sentences on a daily basis. Sentences that sound so stinkin' ridiculously cute coming from this high pitched little girl. The inflection in her voice. The constant questioning on what this is and that is, and why this works that way.

How fun it is to watch her tear a room apart in 0.5 seconds. For the tenth time that day. Okay, lies, this is not fun when I'm forced to get down on my knees and help her clean it up. But while she is doing it? And watching her do so? Is pure entertainment.

How fun it is to see her explore, discover, and imitate the world around us. To act like a "little person." To pretend to sweep and mop around the house. To grab a wipe and start wiping the tables. "Cleaning, mama." "I help." Cleaning.

How fun to hear her repeat things that mama or papa says. "Sit down." or "Okay, call you back, thank you bye." Not sure who she heard that from?

And that smile. Hold me, that smile. When she's done something good. When she's done something not so good. She just smiles. And her eyes sparkle. And all I want to do is scoop her in my arms, squeeze her, and hold on to this stage forever.

It's so contagious.


  1. She's too stinking cute. Is your natural hair blonde? I'm wondering where her blonde hair came from. Blonde hair isn't exactly a dominant trait.

  2. love love this! I love toddlerhood too, everything is so exciting for us and them!

  3. Those are the BEST pics of her ever....those 3 in the middle where she is smiling and laughing, I almost died! SO stinkin cute and I agree that age is so much fun and entertaining. My little that just turned 3, yes challenging but so fun!

  4. I think Toddlerhood has been my host fun. Love this post she is adorable
    Im hosting a fun Give Away

  5. Oh my word... the pictures of E laughing are probably some of the cutest toddler pics I've ever seen. Great job girl, your babes are so lucky to have you!!

  6. Toddlerhood really is such a fun stage! They are becoming such strong individuals and learning so much! There are definitely negative points, but I love my little toddler more than I ever imagined possible!

  7. Agree, agree, agree! Max is two and I absolutely love it!!

  8. Oh Becky!! I seriously LOVE this post!! I agree this age/stage is my favorite too! I love watching Olivia, learn, grow, and explore everyday! It is SO amazing!! ...and the smile and twinkle you are talking about, I know exactly what you mean!! It melts my heart too!!

    P.s. love the new blog design and you look gorg (as always) in your new picture! :)

  9. I have to agree! While we are 5mo out from 2, this stage is just so much fun...seeing how much of a little person they are! I always say I wish I could freeze her at this age!

    Gorgeous pictures as always!


  10. she seems like such a wonderful 2 year old. so loving and full of life!
    i fixed my email for the no reply!
    you are one amazing lady and mama to set out with this post and read all our comments :) love that!
    i'm sarah! im living in Minnesota with my husband, were both 25 and after struggling infertility pregnant with our first child, a son! i'm also from another country - berlin, germany! i have this crazy idea to take my husband and our son there when the babe is 3 months old in october. im a SAHW soon to be SAHM who just began blogging. i truly love it but am slowly getting the hang of it! my wonderful writing skills seem to be hidden in a blog post, but not anywhere else! i cant wait to get it designed and do advertising with you, i dream of it! love your blog, i share it to all. thanks for opening your life to us and sharing your wonderful memories with your great husband and two blessings!

  11. I agree with you, toddlerhood is so fun. And she's still so so adorable.

  12. My Penny is 13 months now and it's getting so so so fun with her. Now that she's walking she is EVERYWHERE. Here, there, grabbing blocks, stacking cups, books for me to read... sitting on my lap. Giving me a drive-by hug on her way to other things. It's frustrating and so tiring at time, but I love every minute of toddlerhood!

  13. Tantrums aside, two is definitely my favourite age so far, they're just so much FUN! :)

  14. Two is a great age!
    I can't believe how grown up she looks these days!
