
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Little Man's First Week

To begin with, I want to personally thank everyone who has reached out to congratulate my little family on our newest arrival, Graham. I have missed the little blogging community and have been thankful for some wonderful ladies to help guest post while I take the time to be away and get back to "normal," whatever normal might be. We did just enter a whole new world of firsts after all.

I also wanted to give an update as to what to expect the next couple of weeks on the blog. Lots of scheduled posts to come. A large January giveaway next week. Birth stories part I, II, and III {I know, you are saying "Are you serious".... I didn't want to miss out on any detail}, starting on Monday.

Tomorrow I have my son's first letter scheduled that I had written a couple weeks before his arrival but was not scheduled for later. And although he is already here, I would like to have it posted.

Friday, I have the "In My hospital Bag" post as promised. Again, this was also scheduled, and I am thankful I was able to put this post together before the arrival of our little blessing.

Posts on; life with two. 2012 in review. 2013 goals, Christmas re-cap, the difference between the two deliveries, and more to come!

But for now, I would like to update this little space of mine on our first week as a family of four. All of Graham's happenings. How everyone is doing. And every little detail that I want to always remember.

Baby Graham,

This week has been quite the week for us all. We welcomed you into this world last Wednesday, and today we celebrate your first week of life. We survived! Or really, you survived us, the crazy little family that you are now a part of. Sorry bud, no going back now

On your first day of life, we discovered and confirmed per x-ray that you had a broken clavicle from birth. My child broke a bone before he was even born! Or rather, when you were born. They say that it happens often with babies coming through the birth canal, even though my delivery was uncomplicated and you came out with 3 pushes. Needless to say, our hearts broke. The first 24 hours were not noticeable, as you were a champ about it, but it was soon evident that you were in pain and it was our duty to be as gentle as possible, wrap that arm tight to your side, and give you the utmost amount of love that we possibly could. "It's okay buddy, it will be okay!" The doctor said that you shouldn't feel pain after a few days and that it will heal on its own within 1-2 weeks. After about 4 days, we definitely saw an improvement. I think I finally learned how to breath again.

In your first week of life, we started to discover how different life with a baby boy is compared to a baby girl. Quite different. How so exactly? Well well well. Your papa and I were changing your shirt every time we would change your diaper. This continued on for about 10 outfit changes until your papa finally wised up and turned to google, our doctor of choice. Google said that we weren't putting on your diaper right. That we were supposed to fold it inside. And what do you know? It worked. 

Moving along, this reminds me of the amount of times that we have already been peed on. Our furniture been peed on. The amount of blankets that have been peed on. The faces that have been peed on. I never realized such a small little thing could shoot so far. And for this I apologize my son. For talking about your pee-pee ways. :)

In your first week, you have established many little nick-names around here. Things like; "Baby Graham," "Mr," "Little guy," "Little man," "Baby boy," "Sweet Cheeks," And many more. Of course anytime we say them, your big sister chimes in to repeat after is. Not going to lie, it's much sweeter coming out of her mouth than it is ours.

Speaking of big sister. How is she doing? Absolutely amazing. Little guy, I choke up every time I talk about her, as I am now. But I have to say... you are quite blessed little man to have such a wonderful big sister. I knew all along during my pregnancy that she would be wonderful, but she has far exceeded any of my dreams and desires for when we came home with you. She is so gentle. So loving. So caring. She touches you softly. She gives you ten million kisses a day. When you cry? She says "Don't cwy baby gam.. don't cwy." I get teary eyed just seeing it. I know that she will continue to take care of you as you two grow. I know that you will light up at the sight of her as you become more and more alert. I just know that you two will share a very special bond. 

And now let's talk about your papa. I have to say that I am so surprised how different he is this time around. He has always been amazing with your baby sister, but there's just something extra special with you. Perhaps its the fact that it's been two years. Perhaps it's the fact that it's the second time around. Regardless, he is so enamored with you, so in love, so in love with you already. I asked your papa about this the other day... how it was different this time around? His response? "I love him so much already because I know what he will grow up into. I know what's ahead. And I'm excited." And for that, I am reminded of how wonderful this man is that I chose to spend the rest of my life with. For this, I am reminded of how much my love grows for him each and every day. And for this, I know that you will be an amazing man when you grow up one day, because he is your father.

Am I getting too emotional on you son?

Let's switch gears. Let's talk about your feeding. 

We are breastfeeding, and you have been a champ since day one. Knock on wood that we have a smooth journey as your sister and I did. You eat about every 2-3 hours, but can go 4 hours if I let you. This is all new territory for me, as your sister would never go longer than 2 hours in between feedings. You must be doing lots of growing there bud.

Speaking of growing, we had your weight check on Monday and you were 7 lbs 8 oz. Just 3 ounces away from your birth weight! Great job!

Sleeping. Bless you son, you have been an angel from above. Again, unlike your sister, you actually like to sleep for longer than 1 hour at a time. It's absolutely amazing and I am soaking it all in, as I know that this is bound to change at some point.

Before I forget, little details like;  God bless the swing inventor. You love that thing. As does mama and papa. You have the loudest shriek of a cry... and you don't stop until you are satisfied.

Who do you look like? I'm not sure. Most everyone says Andrew. I agree. But I also think you may look like your big sister when she was a baby. It's going to be so interesting to watch and see as you grow. I think you will be a little version of your papa.

Your color eyes? Blue right now. But we all know that may change up to 9 months.

I cannot wait to share your birth story and all the other milestones as you grow. I know that you won't be interested in all this little details when you grow up, but I know one day my words will have meaning to you and I will sit you down and tell you about all the wonderful memories that you have blessed us with your little precious life. I also know that your wife will one day appreciate this as well. Did I just say wife?! Let's not go there yet. I don't think I'll ever be ready for that day.

Thank you little man for being absolutely amazing, calm, and the perfect addition to our family. We have enjoyed this past week and looking forward to watching you grow and your personality unfold.


  1. He is so sweet. He is absolutely going to LOVE the part about his pee pee one day!

  2. He is so precious. Cograts! And God Bless the baby swing!!

  3. Such a beautiful baby! Congratulations again!

  4. Such a handsome baby... how sweet? love him and congratulations!~

  5. I loved this post! I looked forward to it! So sweet

  6. He is incredibly precious! Beautiful post!

  7. Hi Becky! I've been reading your blog for a while, posting a comment here & there. I just gotta say, you have such a sweet little boy there! My heart is happy for you & your family, congrats mama :)

  8. He's so adorable, I've been missing your posting around here!

  9. This is so precious :) I love it!!! Graham definitely reflects his papa.
    So excited to watch baby grow!!
    & once again, congratulations. I can't believe he's already a week old!!

  10. Such a sweet post and he is absolutely adorable!

  11. He's a precious blessing!! I know he fits perfectly into your family and can't wait to read more as the days, weeks, months and years go by!

  12. I seriously teared up reading this post Becky! You are honestly one of the most amazing moms I've seen! You can truly see just how much your children mean to you! I'm so happy for you guys! He is absolutely BEAUTIFUL! I'm so glad she is doing so well adjusting to her little brother! I can't wait to read more about your journey with him and your family!

    You make me SO excited to be a mama!


  13. Congrats again. He is precious. It sounds like your had an amazing first week.

  14. He is perfect! Congrats again!

  15. He is beautiful! I'm glad he is well now because I got nervous when you mentioned a broken clavicle.

    Congrats again!

  16. Soo amazing! makes me emotional!!

  17. You brought tears to my eyes. Such a beautiful post, congrats to your sweet family.

  18. He is adorable! Love reading about him and can't wait to hear more! Congrats again :)

  19. He is Amazing and Beautiful and oh so sweet! Such a great post, he sure is lucky to have a family like yours!

  20. He really is adorable. I'm glad your first week has gone well and everyone is adjusting. Little boys just melt their mamas hearts.

  21. Isn't it crazy how quick that whole "you will always MY boy" thing kicks in?! It makes me SLIGHTLY more sympathetic towards my mother-in-law (slightly). Becky, I am so happy for your family. How incredible! You are making me feel like throwing caution to the wind & bugging John for #2 this minute! enjoy every teeny tiny second.. We both know how fast it zooms by!

  22. He is so PERFECT! All that beautiful hair! My word, I just want to snuggle him! I am over the moon excited for you guys momma!! So much love!! xoxo

  23. He is PRECIOUS! It makes me miss having a newborn and my son is only 7 months!

    Simple Suburbia

  24. So sweet! Congratulations again! :)

  25. He is so incredibly handsome! Congratulations!

  26. Congratulations! What a great letter for your son. Very sweet!

  27. What a cutie! I'm glad he's feeling better and can't wait to read the next few posts :)

  28. So glad everything is going so well! He is a handsome little man!

  29. So sweet! Congratulations mama! He's so beautiful and looks like such a little snuggle bug! Makes me THAT much more excited for baby dew #2! Enjoy!

  30. He is so adorable!! It is so sweet how his big sister is with him. Congratulations. :)

  31. So precious! Good for you for doing this, I know I wanted to do nothing for a few weeks. But then again, you're in a house with a toddler "doing nothing" is no longer an option. He is so precious! Boys are amazing- but that peeing business, oh man!! It sucks! I had to change my outfits, his outfits, sheets, changing pad covers sooooo many times. I am SO glad those days are over!

  32. Congrats Mama! Getting peed on is something you get used to right away with little boys :)

  33. Beautiful photos - he is perfect!
    Looking at the photos makes me want another one & mine is only 5 months old!

  34. With having a Little Boy we learned to put a little towel to stop the pee pee, it just lasted a few days & a few sporadic events so it'll get better you are an amazing mom love the update

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. Wow, he is absolutely beautiful. So adorable!!!!

  37. congrats on your knew little guy! boys are so fun!

  38. That's great he is sleeping so well! Can't wait to hear his birth story.

  39. He is so precious!!! I have to the mother of a little boy, what do you mean by folding the diaper INSIDE? We have learned to point know...DOWN at night so that it doesn't soak his pjs, but I have never heard of folding the diaper inside. Please share! Well, when you have time...enjoy that little angel. ;) xo

  40. This post made me laugh when you were talking about the "peepee" situation, I only have a girl so I cannot imagine :) he is beautiful and congratulations on everything! I look forward to your future posts!

  41. SOOO stinking cute!!!!! So excited for you with the arrival of little guy:)


  42. So sweet! And he is just adorable. Congratulations!!

  43. Congrats on Mr. Graham he is just too cute!

  44. Beautiful baby boy! So glad all adjusting so well!!

  45. He is so gorgeous and I love his name!

  46. Congratulations, what a beautiful little baby boy! The first thing I thought when I saw the pictures was that he looks like you.

  47. He's beautiful! Congratulations and i agree, whoever invented the swing is the most amazing person. ever. our son, now two and a half, and our daughter, four months, both loved it. as did both parents. ;)

  48. congratulations for your wonderful new arrival. this is such a beautiful letter it brings tears to my eyes and makes me wanna have another baby.

    god bless

  49. He is so beautiful. Oh, I just love all these pictures. I love and adore his name too.

    I totally understand about the "boy peeing". Oh my stars...when Dav (my little guy) was born and we brought him home...I just could not figure it out for the life of me...then it clicked.

    I hate he broke his clavicle. :( Wishing a speedy recovery.

    Happy New Year!

  50. Congrats - he is just beautiful! And it broke my mama heart to hear about his little clavicle, poor little guy! Hopefully it heals quickly. Enjoy this little miracle!!

  51. What a week Becky!! Little G has fitted in so well and you have all adapted so well. It was all just meant to be, what a blessing! x

  52. He is so beautiful! :) Congrats again!

  53. This is one of my favorite posts you have done yet. Graham is absolutely precious. Just perfect. I can only imagine how amazing Elliana is as a proud big sister. Just so so happy for all of you!!!! xoxo
