
Sunday, February 24, 2013

Life Lately with Steals and Deals

Gymnastics. We have less than a month left of this current session, and we have decided that after swim and soccer lessons, then we will sign E back up to the next level gymnastics. It has been such a wonderful experience thus far and Elliana has really done so great at each class. Her behavior has been exceptional and I think that it is not just giving her the opportunity to get energy out and socialize, but also teaches her patience and the art of listening.

Baby Wearing. We have been in full mode around these parts. And I love it. I have a post scheduled on this exact topic and the wrap that we have fallen in love with.

Little man. Will be two months old in two days! What. What. What. How did this happen? It's so crazy to me how much faster time goes by the second time. I have his two month post scheduled for the end of the week.

Super Busy. We have been out and about just about every day lately. And I'm secretly loving it. Getting out of the house is so nice. Especially since the weather has not been the greatest. Although on the days that there is just the slightest bit of sunshine and at least 35 degrees? We head to the park!

Baby friend. Elliana has this little friend of hers that lives down the street {and I work with her mama and have known her for years}, and she calls her "my baby friend." Problem is, she started calling her that when she was a baby, and now? Well now, she is very much a toddler. I still think it's the cutest thing ever.
We made stuffed bell peppers. And they are awesome. Amazing. Perfection. No worries... there is a post with the recipe coming... next Saturday.

I also made chocolate covered bananas. And although they tasted good going down... they sure didn't look very pretty and were quite messy. HA! I'll definitely be sticking to my Trader Joe's that look perfect and taste like heaven.

And for those Steals & Deals......

These swimsuits are only $12.99! And they are originally $59! And it gets better {how, right?}... free shipping for first time customers on their first order!

Diaper bag steal! $44 sale price, originally $230! And let's talk about the cute factor. Check it out. CATEGORY: BRAND NEW PARENTS COLLECTION

Lastly, a couple advertising spots opened up! Which means... let me promote you! I have had amazing feedback from my sponsors {check out the testimonials} and would love to show you off. If you are interested, check out more details and purchase here.


  1. Love stuffed peppers, can't wait to try out your recipe... there's so many variations and I haven't found one yet that I don't like!

  2. I just ordered that diaper bag on Friday - Can't wait to get it!

  3. I cannot believe he is already almost 2 months old :( so bittersweet! I love that E is loving her gymnastic classes! Both little ones are too adorable!
