
Friday, March 1, 2013

I Confess.

I confess...I haven't done one of these posts in a long time, and I feel like I am in need of a confessional session. Just because

I confess... I put make up on 90% of the time. Even when I don't leave the house. It's a must.

That being said... I confess... 90% of the time, I don't wear a bra. It's just easier with breastfeeding. I know the first thing that popped into your head. To answer your question.. yes. Yes. Yes.

I confess... I purchased Elliana's shirt for little guy's first birthday. The first birthday that isn't for another 11 months. And yes... he has his outfit as well. That was purchased prior to his birth. I have problems, and I am not afraid to admit them.

I confess... There are creepy men on sprout early in the morning. Not much of a confession as it is a statement. But just wanted to throw that out there. So there.

I confess... I pass out by 9-10pm every night {I wrote this about a month ago... it's more like 10-11 now. Moving on up people, moving on up}. Most nights. Now, I'm not saying I sleep through the night, as I currently have a newborn on my hands. But I'm out early.

I confess... I love food. A lot. As in....I used to eat a package of bacon a day in 7th grade. No worries, that doesn't happen anymore. My thighs would hate me. But I still love food.

I confess.... I'm definitely not dreading going back to work like I had with E. Probably because I know that I still get to be with the kiddos during the day and won't be missing out on anything. Sleep though? You will be missed.

I confess... I just wanted to show you this ridiculously cute video! Happy Friday :)


  1. I'm the same way about make up. I put it on every. single. day. whether I have to leave the house or not. It makes me feel human ;)

  2. I do the whole working as a nurse at night gig with a 5 year old & a 6 month old at home. it is wonderful. I feel so lucky to be ble to work & still rock the stay at home mom deal!

  3. I wear makeup, except if I'm going to be in the house all day, I don't. Other than that? Always. Oh girl... I love bacon. I could eat it every day of the week!

  4. Omg glad someone else shops ahead like me! I totally would do the same thing. And bacon, YUM!

  5. I think I am changing professions! I want to be a stay at home mom but we cannot afford for me to quite my job! HMM - working all night and playing with the babe all day, sounds pretty perfect to me!

  6. I totally agree about the makeup. It just makes you feel better, without having to do too much. AND you never know when your going to be snapping selfies of you and the little ones, so better to be prepared. lol.

  7. i have to put on makeup! like I wont leave the house unless I have at least put on mascara. My hubby thinks Im crazy, he asked me the other day "seriously? youre putting on makeup to go for a walk around the neighborhood?" umm hello, yes, do you know how many neighbors we ran into?!?!? lol
    the sweet life of a southern wife

  8. I'm the opposite on make up..I hate putting it on! I wish I wasn't that way though because I prob should wear it more! And that's hilarious you already have their first birthday outfits!

  9. I'm the same way I have to wear make up every if I do nothing for the day.

  10. Makeup is a must for me. Even at the gym. A little mascara never hurt anyone! And love that you got their outfits. Such a planner!

  11. That is a ridiculously cute video!! :)

  12. That video is the cutest thing ever!!! Xxxx

  13. You seriously make the most precious children ever.. Adorable!

  14. I shop ahead too, you are not alone!!! My daughter is only 16 months & already have her 2nd birthday party planned in my head :)
    Video is so adorable! So sweet. You are very blessed!!!
