
Friday, March 1, 2013

A Mama's Story of Her Baby Born 13 Weeks Early

I have had the joy and privilege to get to know a very special mama and her very special baby girl who was born 13 weeks premature. Through their journey, you will see that miracles and dreams do come true. I truly love to visit her blog as she is just true to herself, writes from the heart, and a genuinely honest person. And her daughter? Well she is just too cute for words.

1. Meeting my daughter for the first time after she was born 13 weeks early.
2. Getting the official call that baby girl is allowed to come home from the NICU!!
3. What a Very Merry Unbirthday for our baby girl!
4. Baby’s first trip… California!
5. Happy 1st Birthday sweet baby girl!
Cat is also offering a pretty sweet giveaway for one of you lucky winners. Please follow the rules carefully, as there aren't very many. Entries will be verified. Winner will be emailed and asked to respond within 24 hours, in which then {once verified} will be publicly announced via Facebook and twitter.


$50 VISA giftcard

1. Leave a comment on Baby MC's blog
2. Must be a follower of FMTM

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