
Saturday, March 2, 2013

Stuffed Bell Peppers Recipe

Growing up, my mom used to make stuffed bell peppers at least a couple times a month. In fact, while Andrew and I were driving to the store to grab the ingredients that we needed, I started telling him this little fact about my childhood {all proudly}, when he chimed in to tell me... "Becky, I have had your mom's stuffed bell peppers."

I said. "No way. It's been years."

He gave me the look..."I just had them last month."

And that's when I shut up and realized that my memory is clearly very hazy. I think because I hadn't eaten them the last time she made them {because my mom tends to "experiment" with ingredients I just can't fathom to put in my mouth}, I just simply erased it completely from my brain.

I tend to do that with other aspects of my life as well. Didn't eat it. It wasn't made. Didn't see it. It was never done. Didn't talk about it. It never existed.

Okay. Anyways, enough of that. Let's get on with the most amazing recipe ever. We had found a few recipes online, and then we just decided to wing it and make it our own.

Another thing we tend to do a lot around here.

What you Need. People call this part Ingredients:

6 Green Bell Peppers
2 Garlic Cloves
2 tablespoons Olive Oil
3/4 Cup White Onion
2 Cans Tomato Sauce
1 Cup Fresh Mushrooms
1 Can Diced Tomatoes {with oregano and basil kind}
1lb of Ground Turkey {we used the 93% Fat Free kind}
1 Cup Cooked Brown Rice
8 oz Mozzarella Cheese
Salt & Pepper to Taste


1. Cook that brown rice first per the instructions on the bag! Ours took 45 minutes, so very important that you get that going so that this process doesn't take longer than it should. While that rice cooks chop up your veggies. Cut out the top of the bell pepper so you can get the guts and seeds out {then you can cut just the top layer, very thin, so that you have a perfectly round top bell pepper}. Preheat oven to 400.

2. Heat the oil on medium heat. Sauté the onions until slightly browned about 2-3 minutes. Then throw in the mushrooms until browned, about 5 minutes. Then throw in the garlic for about a minute. Lastly, throw in your ground turkey until browned.

3. Now mix all those ingredients with your cooked brown rice. Add the canned diced tomatoes. Mix the all the ingredients and add salt and pepper to taste {you don't need much}.

4. Get a 13x9 baking dish. Pour the two cans of sauce into the baking dish. Place the bell peppers on top. Stuff each pepper with your mixed ingredients. Cover with foil. Bake for about 35-40 minutes.

5. Take out of the oven and then sprinkle with mozarrella. Put back in oven for another 5-8 minutes, until the cheese is melted completely.

6. Enjoy your meal!! And remember to use that yummy tomato sauce to mix with every bite!
The great thing about this recipe? Aside from how easy it really was? You can experiment. Next time we plan on throwing some zucchini and spinach in! 

Any special way you like to make your stuffed bell peppers? Do share!

**Don't forget to enter the $50 Visa Gift Card Giveaway!**


  1. What brand of tomato sauce do you use?

  2. Stuffed peppers are crazy wonderful. I love how tender the pepper gets.

  3. This is one meal my husband requests all the time! We love peppers :)

  4. I love stuffed peppers and usually make them this exact way but without the sauce... I'll need to try that next time. I always boil mine for just a couple of minutes too, just to soften them up. Makes such a difference since I don't usually bake mine for long... just long enough to heat the cheese.

  5. We made these last night and they were great! We made some of our own tweaks to them, but this is definitely a keeper. Pinned it for later!

  6. I am obsessed with stuffed bell peppers! Thanks for a new recipe to try ;)
