
Monday, April 1, 2013

Mice in the Kitchen & Walt Disney World

BLOG | INSTAGRAM: @lauramouse1 | TWITTER: @ryderbunch
Favorite memories:

1 - When Tim (my husband) graduated with his masters from Baylor University in 2009.  Sarah was literally only a few months old and he said to me one night he wanted to go back to school for his Masters.  It was a long journey of being a "single" mom with four kids while he worked and went to school.  We live in Texas and our closest family is over 600 miles away.  

2 -  Taking the kids to Walt Disney World in 2010 for the very first time.  They absolutely loved every second of it and I'm not sure who had more fun..the kids or Tim and I.  That was where we went for our Honeymoon back in 1997. 

3 - Taking the WHOLE family (went several times but this was Sarah's first) to South Carolina in 2007.  One of my favoirte spots.  We rent a home right on the ocean and just become giant beach bums for a whole week.  Someday's we head into Charleston and shop around the open air markets or visit some of the old homes.  Love it there. 

4 -  When Riley decided to adopt us as his family in 2007.   Our other dogie had developed cancer and I had to take her to the vet and swore after doing that I would never have another dog....3 months later we had Riley! 

5 - Taking the kids camping in the Ozark Mountains in 2010.  It was the first time we went camping and the kids LOVED it.  They seriously couldn't get enough of the campfire and we watched shooting stars in the clear sky. 

Contact Info:
Twitter: @Ryderbunch

Giveaway: $109 Crystal and Balla Bracelet

a Rafflecopter giveaway


About me:

Hey y’all, I’m Shannon Alarid, and I am a Magic Maker ® with Off to Neverland Travel ®.  

When I tell people this the first question I'm usually asked is, "what's a Magic Maker?" In short, it's a Travel Agent specializing in Disney Vacations.  But, really, it's so much  more than that.  I don't just book vacations I help create magical memories for you and your family.

The next question I'm usually asked is, "why Disney?" The truth is, I could list off at least a hundred reasons why I think this is the perfect destination for your vacation needs.  Instead, I would like to tell you my story of how I fell in love with Disney travel:

In 1998 I took my first vacation to the Walt Disney World® Resort.  I was 15 years old at the time, but I think I had been
asking to go on this vacation since I could talk.  And, that 4th of July my Dad surprised us all  (my Mom, my Sister and myself) and took us there for our annual summer vacation.  I fell in love with so many things over the course of that trip - the sights, the smells, the parades, the characters - everything! But,  it was my first Monorail ride overlooking Epcot® that had me hooked! There was just something about gliding along looking down at the big "golf ball" seeing all the people roaming around that made me feel such a sense of calm and excitement at the same time.  Since then I have made several trips to the Disneyland® Resort (staying both on-site and off) and sailed on multiple ships on Disney Cruise Line®. And, of course, I have made numerous visits back to where it all began for me, Walt Disney World®.  My first visit back in 1998 still holds a very special place in my heart; but, my most favorite trip to date was taking my (then) 15 month old son to meet his idol, Mickey Mouse, where everyone in my party of five agreed that the pure joy on his face during that meet was worth the price of admission alone! Having the opportunity to visit a variety Disney Destinations in so many stages of life – as a teenager, on a sister’s only graduation trip, on my honeymoon, with the in-laws, with a toddler in a stroller, as a large group, and more – I can honestly say a Disney Vacation is the perfect fit for all ages! Are you hoping to have a trip planned completely around a child’s dream come true? I can help! Or, are you looking for a romantic honeymoon full of high-end dinners and fireworks cruises? I can create that too!No matter what style of vacation you are looking for I am here for you every step of the way. I will help you pick the perfect hotel, plan all your dining reservations, build the perfect daily itinerary, add special additions to surprise your family, and more! The possibilities for a Disney vacation are endless, and I am here to guide you in making the choices that will leave you with all your hopes and dreams coming true!

But, here's the best part - I won't book your trip, collect your money and then disappear.  I will be here for you every step of the way!  Not only will I help you make all the planning decisions, I will be available to make any changes along the way, be available via email, phone and text while you are on your vacation if you should need anything and be available after your vacation for any communication or future planning you may need. It is my goal to help you have a vacation that is as magical as I would hope for my own to be!

So, if you are even contemplating a Disney trip let me know. I would be happy to send you some information and help you look at all the possibilities available for you and your family!

Contact Info:
Phone: 505.306.0166
a Rafflecopter giveaway