
Thursday, May 9, 2013

A Mother Who Has Dealt With Loss

Image belonging to Emily
Emily is a mother to 3 beautiful blessings, 2 here on Earth, and one in heaven. Her first pregnancy with twins resulted in the loss of her son Ryder, Wyatt's twin. You can read more about the birth story here. Emily is so strong, so beautiful, so inspiring, and has taught me to never take things for granted. Especially our children. 

I asked Emily a few questions and here are the answers that she had to share with me!

1. What are some of your favorite things to do with the kids?
-I love doing crafts! I was a teacher before I was a SAHM so the "teacher in me" comes out often. ;)  We also really enjoy playing outside or setting us play dates as well. Just recently  Wyatt has really started enjoying baking and cooking with me. Dancing is a SUPER fun thing we like to do as a crazy dance time in the kitchen together, those are super fun memories! 

2. How do you and your husband balance family time with alone time?
-We REALLY try to take date nights or even just time alone without kids no matter the time of the day. Since Mark goes into work at 1pm two days a week sometimes we try to get breakfast together. We are preparing to leave on our first adult only vacation too. This is something I feel so strongly parent's were a perfect example of this and I know how important taking time as husband and wife is for everyone, the Bible says so. ;) 

3. Any advice that you would like to give to women that are expecting?
-Enjoy being pregnant...inside your belly is the (usually) the safest place for your baby to be...each time you are miserable/are "done" being pregnant give your belly an extra rub and enjoy those moments. You will miss it, I promise!  

4. When you have questions on motherhood, who/what do you turn to for answers?
-Without sounding cliche I have created a pretty good habit of immediatly getting on my knees and praying about it. I also am so blessed that I can call my mom...I also have some mommy friends I trust to ask questions to as well. 

5. The question that I'm sure you get asked often.... are there plans for any more blessings down the road?
-No, it's not in OUR plan. LOL! After losing Ryder and then getting pregnant with Sloane we learned pretty quickly the stress that comes with another pregnancy (in ADDITION to the normal stress) after losing a child.  This is something we have both prayed about and have been given a very clear answer. We love our perfect family and have no plans to change anything. 
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  1. I just went and read Emily's story. We lost our first pregnancy back in the Fall. Even though it was early on, I can tell you, now that I am pregnant again I am so much more stressed and worried because I always fear another loss. I have tried to pray every day and just trust in God. Now that we are almost to 20 weeks I am trying to be more joyful and just enjoy this time. I just can understand your answer to the question about growing your family (:

  2. Wow. So touching and so very amazed at this families strength and continued trust in the Lord. What an amazing testimony to us all! I cant imagine the pain they felt and still continue to feel. May God bless them tremendously and they will soon be with Ryder in glory!

  3. after a pregnancy loss, it is crazy the amount of things that you become aware of the second time around. the worrying never ends. emily is such a wonderful mama though. great feature becky!
