
Friday, May 10, 2013

Our First Home Video

To go with yesterday's post, I'd like to share a video.
One I finally put together from last year's vacation.
Our first real family vacation.
One of many, many down the road.

I have to admit, I have watched this video probably over 100 times.
No exaggeration.

Also, I am almost 5 months pregnant here. Because apparantly when my mom was watching this, the first thing she said was..."Well... I didn't remember Becky having so much weight on her" to my dad. My dad knocked her on the shoulder and said "She was pregnant with Graham."

Thanks mom.

Also, E looks so young here...I cannot believe this was last year. I also cannot believe it has been a year, period.

Oh, and I'm not really good at this video thing. I'm learning.
It was so fun to do though, and I will definitely be doing this again!


  1. What a great video! You have such a beautiful family :)

  2. I loved this so much! You have such a beautiful family!! Would love to do this on our first vaca as a family of four this summer!

  3. this made me cry! what precious moments, what a beautiful family, I'm in love with Elli's swimsuit, I love that pic of her and your mom and her seeing the ocean for the first time and pointing and where do you have weight in your big toe? LOL you look amazing!!

  4. So precious! Love this!

  5. I adored this and found myself in tears, especially during "my wish" when your mother is with Elli by the ocean. It just stole my heart. I lost my mom before my daughter was born. The beach was a huge part of my life with her growing up. Made my heart ache, but also smile to know that your precious daughter will always have these wonderful moments that you so beautifully capture.

  6. aww I love it. what program did you use?

  7. This has inspired me to do something with our little snippets of videos that we have...eventually. I think you did a wonderful editing job and I hope you share what software you used to edit!

  8. What a great video!! Love how it is put together! Gorgeous always!!

  9. I love this Becky! is there a special program you use to mix the photos and video together? I need to learn how to do this:)

  10. LOVE!!! Your family is simply Beautiful and Elli is just a bundle of sweetness! Love hearing her little voice and seeing the love between the 3 of you! Great job on the video! Happy Mother's Day to you, you are an Amazing mama and I really admire you....those sweet little of yours sure are lucky to have you! :)

  11. So precious! How fun to have all those memories captured!

  12. This was such a beautiful video!! Happy Mother's Day!

  13. Awww, cute. She does look so young there!

  14. You really did a great job on this!!!

  15. Good grief!! This video had me blubbering like a baby!! LOL She is absolutely precious!! Great job!! :)

  16. I am CRYING like a mad woman right now.

  17. This has to be the most precious thing I have ever seen- great job!

  18. You did a great job putting together this video! I wouldn't have the first clue how to even start a project like this! :)

  19. you did a wonderful job and your daughter is beautiful and precious. nothing is gonna stop her :) you seem like a lovely family! hope you get many chances to enjoy the beach again this year! :)

  20. Such a precious video Becky!! E does look so little in this video! Time goes by so fast and videos and pics are the best way to capture those special moments with our families!

  21. So sweet! This is such a great idea! We need to get ourselves a video camera :)

  22. TOO SWEET. I can't wait to do this with my family one day.

  23. Aww Becky! It's been tooooo long since I've stopped by your blog. I really enjoyed this video. :)
