
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

On Life with Two... 4 months later

I'd like to write about our lives as a family four as the months, and years, go by. Just so I can remember how things changed, how we learned to grow and understand our children and their dynamics, and my overall feelings on being a mama of two.

Things change you know. Things, somehow, get easier, better, and more fun. You seem to become smarter, wiser, and more fun. And even your relationship with your significant other, somehow, seems to develop into something better.

The other day, I looked over at Andrew and said those exact words..... "Wow, it's so much easier now. So much more fun. So much better."

What is?

Life with two.

Coincidentally, it was at the same exact time that we hit the 4 month mark for Graham. Which I still cannot believe.

So here we are, four months after being blessed with our son's life, and we are at a really good happy place. Now, I'm not saying that everything is peaches and butterflies. Andrew would probably have a whole different perspective to tell you on life with two. Simply because, he is the one having to wrangle the two alone 3 nights a week while I'm at the hospital. That being said, I too, am sure that will get easier and better with time.

But, lets focus on how life has been with two.


Everyday things like dishes, laundry, and picking up the house has gotten easier. Graham is now at an age where he loves to look around, loves to stare at E and Carson, and loves to play with toys. So? Naturally? He can self-entertain more. Which in return has allowed me more time to actually wash more dishes, fold the clothes that have sat there for over a week, and make the house look semi-presentable for guests. Now, again, Andrew's perspective? It still isn't spotless as his OCD self would like it to be. However, I told him that he will have to wait 20+ years for that to happen. Well, maybe just like 15. Teenagers are capable of picking up after themselves, yes?

Less fuss. Graham is out of that newborn stage and truly a fun infant now. I don't have to walk around the house with him all day every day to keep him happy during awake hours. We can actually all go outside, and I can sit with him in my lap and we can watch E play. I can put him in the bouncer and dance like a fool in front of him. I know what he wants, when he wants it, and how to get it to him. And as a result? Everyone's much happier.

Less fuss from E. Although she is still very much attached to mama {and I do not see that changing anytime soon}, she is however aware when mama needs to take care of G. Including when we are out in public and at toddler time and such. She just gets it.


Our relationship, as a family of four. We understand Elliana so much more. Andrew's and mine relationship {though far from perfect and has room to grow} has blossomed lately, like teenagers at times giddy about one another. We aren't as stressed as we may have been during the first few months, and we actually have time to stop and breath now.

Sleep. I know I should not compare one baby to the other, but for comparison purposes, lets just say we were in a much better place in regards to sleep when E was this age. In fact, she was sleeping through the night {13 hours} from age 2.5 months on. So G? G wanted to show us how different and unique he was in his ways. Although he loved his sleep... he was picky {in the sense he only wanted to be held} and very unpredictable. Now? At 4 months? We are seeing the light. He sleeps longer intervals {sometimes an 8+ hour stretch at night}, taking more regular and predictable naps, and needing us less. Although we, scratch that Andrew, struggles at night with him while I'm gone, even he has reported some improvement.


Seeing the interaction between E and G. You know, Elliana has loved G since the minute we brought him home from the hospital. No exaggeration there. She has always been very gentle with him, caressing him, loving on him, hugging, kissing, and aware of his presence as she plays. Always. But what I have noticed lately is how much more she wants to interact with him. Now that he is wide awake, very alert, and smiles and giggles, she wants more and more to be a part of that. She gets excited to see him in the morning when he wakes up {he's always last to get up}, spend the day in the playroom with him helping him with his toys and telling him all about them, and even bath time excites her as she always tries to help out and asks for a washcloth so she too can "wash the little guy."

Us. As a family of four. We can do more things together. Before? G man slept through all the activities. Every outing. Every little trip. Now? He gets to actually participate. Sure, the extent of his participation is him just having his eyes open and throwing a smile at us from time to time... but even that is fun and exciting for us.


Creating more and more memories as a family of four. Watching Graham grow. Watching his personality unfold. Watching the two of them create a close bond that I can only dream of. And also, filling my marriage with more love. I look forward to a time where I am comfortable being away more with just my husband and I.

There are so many milestones down the road.

So far? Month 4 has been a really darn good one.


  1. This got me really emotional. I can't wait until the day I am able to share this with a man I love and beautiful children! You're an inspiration, thank you.

  2. We love having a 4-month old, too! You'll love having three! :)

  3. Loved reading so much positive things about having two little ones! I have a 25 month old and 5 month old. Life isn't easy but it is sooo good!!! Love my babies.

  4. Love this post. Very real and this will be great for you to look back on. We plan on trying for number two when number one is a year! :)
