
Thursday, May 2, 2013

This & That

This Happened:

We went to the zoo and had a blast! We renewed our membership that just expired this past month, and we are so looking forward to going more. This was also G man's first year going, and of course I did not document it the way that I had with E. Elliana also thoroughly enjoyed it and couldn't stop talking about the zoo when we cam home.

Graham found his feet! What is it about babies and finding their feet? I just think it is the cutest thing ever. So now he plays with his feet and hands all day.
And I am in love with sleeping babies. Seriously... it has got to be one of the cutest things on earth.

Went to that:

Super Why live show. I have written a blog post about this and excited to share the details of this day. My heart was full on this day. Truly full.

This email came:

Ebates sent me an email stating that I would be receiving my $214 check in the mail. Have you heard of ebates? Are you shopping through ebates? If not, you should! It's a free program and it is simple. You sign up, you get a free $10 gift card after your first purchase online, and the concept of the program is that you basically search which store you want to shop at {Macys, Kohls, etc}, it directs you to that store, tracks your purcahses, and then gives you a percentage back. Then you recommend it to friends and make even more! After 3 months, they send you a check! Free money. My only thing is sometimes I forget to go through their site when I site. It's like throwing away money.

Made That:

We finally got around to putting together Elliana's sandbox and putting sand in it. Best part about it? It only cost us $40, compared to the $150 ones that I was looking at. I will share the details later.

Mine and E's favorite snack:
Made with my favorite homemade granola recipe{with some changes on my part}

In love with that:

My first i-phone album came. Now, if you know me... you know I am obsessed with making albums of our family. The other day, Andrew said to me..."We really need to finally print these pictures from our phone." And he was right. You see, we will sit late at night just going through our phones and having these pictures bring back so many good memories. They are some of our favorite of all time. So I finally did it and purchased my first book full of just iphone pictures. 150 pages worth. For those that have asked... I went through walgreens. They always have promo codes on their site and additional codes on You can combine discount codes and shipping codes!


  1. I have been wanting to do the same thing with my iphone pics! I just need to stop procrastinating and get it done! Can't wait to hear about the Super Why show (I can imagine how much fun she had!) and the sand box you guys did for E!

  2. Omg getting paid for shopping?! I'm in!!

  3. Did Walgreens let you upload your photos straight from your phone or how did you do it lol. Sometimes I'm so techy inpaired but I have to do something about my thousands of iPhone pics

  4. I take an embarrassing number of pictures of my babies sleeping. I'm kind of tempted to make a book of them, but worry that it would be creepy ;)

  5. i have ebates (or signed up for it) no idea how to use it since i'm an amazon shopper...gotta love free shipping....

    as for sleeping babies...tell cole...past few weeks hes waking every 2 hrs at night...he stands up (his new trick) and can't get back down...i'm annoyed and tired ...9m next week and mommy is not amused...not that he was ever a great sleeper to begin with...(ok finished venting now..)

  6. I've seen my baby cousin find his hands and it is the funniest thing ever! They truly are so beautiful when they are this innocent lol! Iphone album sounds amazing!!! Have a great Thursday hun ♥

  7. How did Elianna like the zoo last year compared to this year? I am looking forward to taking Noah this month or next. I think he will like it, but at the same time not truly understand it. Either way, we're going. :)

  8. What a great idea to print out iphone pics!

  9. What a great idea to get the iphone pictures in an album. That snack looks yummy, I'll be trying it this weekend for sure!
