
Thursday, June 6, 2013

I'm Back

I'm back.

I am back into the groove of things. I think. Or maybe just briefly. Today I am. And well, that has to be worth something, right. At least I am better than I was yesterday. More ahead then the previous day. Back.

Well, so where was I then, before?

Here. Just behind. Very very behind.

Baskets of clean laundry of clothes in need of being folded in every room. For weeks.
Dishes that sat on the kitchen counters. Clean. Needing to be put away. I'd put away, and then more would rack up. I just couldn't keep up.
A blog that was neglected. Very much so. Running through scheduled post after scheduled post.
Emails sitting unanswered. For weeks.
Beds that were starting to talk to me. Wash me. Wash me, please.
Projects around the house that were always somehow pushed back by something more important. Another activity. Another birthday. Another event to attend to.

The thing is, I'm not even complaining. I don't even feel bad for one second for all the things that have been put on the back burner. Did it stress me out a bit? Sure. Did I keep thinking about those things? Naturally so. But did I ever stop myself and say... this is more important than spending time with my family, going outside with the children, or leaving the house to just... get away? Nope. I don't think so. And again, not sorry for it.

But, that being said, it still feels good once you feel yourself... ahead. Well, never actually ahead... but maybe on track. Or close to it. Heck, I don't know where exactly I am on this road, but I just know that I am trucking along. Whether it's 10, 15, 20, or 50 mph... I'm going.

And that... that's better than not.

I think I may have mentioned this before, but I am a much better and happier person when I have things under control in my life. In all areas. The house. The chores. The activities. The children. The blog. The communication with others. Work. And all.

At the same time, I know I can't do it all.

But man do I wish I could. So when I have a great day like today. Where things finally slow down in our lives and we sort of get back into the swing of things... it lifts me up. It makes me feel like I can do anything and conquer everything.

With the warm weather heading our way {why aren't we there already is what I am thinking}, I know that our lives are only going to get busier. Lots of pool days. Lots of park dates. Summer reading program at the library. Trips to Ohio, the beach, and maybe even Michigan. Lots of family time and soaking in the weather.

So, I want to stay ahead. Or on track. Or whatever else I said I was. I want to be here where I am today. The house picked up. The laundry put away. Dinner cooking in the crock pot. Toddler time attended. Books read. Learning done. Even teeth brushed and pits fresh with deodorant.

Don't we all want to be there.

Perfect is the first word that comes to mind. I want to be perfect. I know I can't be. I know no such world exists. But man do I always want to push myself that much harder.

Regardless, I'm back. And it feels good.

Even if it may be temporary.


  1. You are an amazing momma with two beautiful children. Nothing is more important than that. laundry and dishes can always be done later. :-)

  2. I know the feeling 100%. Sometimes taking a day to seriously just get.shit.done is absolutely crucial to our sanity. I'm trying to do that now. I'm on blogger. Soooooo we will see how this goes.

  3. Thanks for this post. I should have my husband read it to see that I'm not the only one who feels great when things get done. Not just great but awesome. He taught me to let go of some of my need for perfection and that has helped me feel great on days that haven't completely fallen apart too. So I guess he deserves some credit too.

  4. Thanks for this post. I should have my husband read it to see that I'm not the only one who feels great when things get done. Not just great but awesome. He taught me to let go of some of my need for perfection and that has helped me feel great on days that haven't completely fallen apart too. So I guess he deserves some credit too.

  5. I can totally relate. I cleaned up a lot last week because my in laws were coming to town and I had to take note of how I felt when the house was clean. Now you make me want to tackle the half started projects I have around the house...

  6. Hi there! It’s nice to know that you’re finally back! Just stay calm super mom! Every mom wants to do everything, who doesn’t? But then being stressed too much could affect yourself too. So loosen up, unwind and rejuvinate. Everything will fall into place. Enjoy life being a mom coz’ we only pass this stage once in a lifetime. God Bless!

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