
Friday, June 7, 2013

This & That

Did This:

I signed E up to summer reading program at the library. This is so exciting to me that we are at the age that we are able to do all these fun things. We always get lots of books at the library when we go, and now she gets to count up her books and gets little surprises for reading so much. I remember doing this as a little girl, and now watching my own daughter do it as well just brings so many happy memories back to me.

Went to the pool for the first time! Actually, our neighborhood pool was closed, so we went to a large one down the street with a splash pad, pool slides, and all. Elliana was loving it, and Graham of course slept in the carrier the whole time.

Elliana's recital was last Friday, and it went great. So great. I am so proud of her and I'll be sharing the details soon {including a little slideshow I'm putting together}.

Also, we went to our first puppet show ever at the library. Honestly, I thought there would be maybe {if that} 20 kids there. Thankfully we got there a little bit early,  because there were probably close to 100 children and NO room to sit. I sent Elliana into the crowd of kids and stood against the wall next to her as she watched her first show. She was so intrigued that she didn't move an inch. Watching and taking it alll in. Gosh these mom moments are just getting better and better with age.

Lastly, we went strawberry picking and I have to say... amazing. The past 2 years we have gone at the end of the season, and this year we were smart enough to go at the beginning. We weren't the only ones, as it was jam packed. We went with our friends and enjoyed some sweet ice cream outdoors afterwards.

Instagrammed That:

Loving This:

  • Ebates and making free money, for shopping. Something I would already be doing anyway.
  • Bud light lime. I have seriously had one with dinner almost every night. It's so refreshing on these cold summer days.
  • That the weekend is almost here. I have Saturday and Sunday off and I am looking forward to spending time with the family, getting some projects done, and plain old relaxing. Well, probably not much relaxing.

Read That:

A Mama Memoir on "Return To Innocence." Have you ever heard the phrase, "well you can't shelter them forever?" Yes? Read this then.

Cooked This:

New recipe I tried: Crockpot Pork Chop Recipe, and crockpot chili recipe. Both were a hit.

Must try this: Banana Bread with Cream Cheese Swirl

Discounted That:

35% off advertising through the weekend! Would love to have you :)
CODE: weekend35

Purchased This:

After the shirts that I purchased from ON came yesterday, I loved them so much that I purchased 13 more. 13! Why? Because at $4.00 a shirt and $20 back on my order, they ended up being less than $3.00 after discounts and will make great x-mas gifts. Not to mention they are so comfortable and I can dress them up or down. And you can't ever have too many plain colored tees. But do I even need to explain myself here? One word. STEAL. I want to go buy more.....


  1. Such a cute little fam :) I just signed Kennedy up for Dig into Reading for the summer at our library as well! oh & ps. come freaking visit. love ya!

  2. I can not wait to see photos from the pool!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  3. Thank you for sharing my post!! :-) And I will definitely be checking out those recipes!
