
Thursday, July 25, 2013

Birthdays=Free Day

Not really, Today will most likely be just like any other day. Busy running around having fun with the kids. But? I wouldn't want to spend my birthday any other way.

So birthdays= day away from blogging.
Birthdays= sharing pretty pictures from vacation {an actual post on vacation is coming next week}.
Birthdays= one year older, one year wiser, one year gone, one less year to live, but one year to celebrate.
Birthdays= remembering everything we should be grateful for, like family, good health, and our children. Cheesecake, bud light lime, and chocolate too.

Birthdays are always a reminder for me of where life has taken me. What all I have accomplished in these 27 years of life, and the dreams that continue to lie ahead.

Birthdays. They're special.


  1. Happy Birthday! Enjoy your day with your sweet family.

  2. Happiest happy birthday Becky! Your blog is such a joy to follow:) Hope you have the best day:)

  3. Happy Birthday, girlie!!! Yay for 27!

  4. Happy birthday! Hope you have a blessed day!

  5. I will never understand people who hate their birthdays. It looks like you have a really great perspective on them. Happy Birthday!

  6. Happy Birthday Becky! Hope you have a wonderful and relaxing day with your beautiful family.

  7. Happy Happy Birthday to you! Love the cute pics!

  8. Happy Birthday mama!!! Hope you have a fabulous day w the family and they spoil you rotten

  9. Oh my gosh...I love that first picture of you and E. I think that may be my favorite picture you've ever posted. So natural and unposed, perfect. I can feel the love!

  10. I just found your blog, new follower here! You have the cutest little munchkins around :)

  11. Happy Birthday Becky! Just found your blog yesterday and I'm in love. So much to read about...I love it! God bless you and your beautiful family :)

  12. Look at those beautiful babies!!
    ...happy birthday, Mom!! :)

  13. Happy happy Birthday! Hope you had a great day. p.s. where did you get your cute cover up??

  14. Ohh we share birthdays! Happy birthday mama, great photos
