
Friday, July 26, 2013

This & That

Did This

So on Tuesday they had a little safari theme at the library, and I had heard there would be live animals. I thought maybe like a bunny rabbit, dog, cat, and animals of that nature would be there. Obviously, I was excited to take E&G nonetheless, but I was totally not prepared for what we would see. An owl, alligator, lemur, 50lb python snake, and tons more. Seriously, it was awesome. The guy that introduced the animals was great with the kids. And Elliana was in pure amazement. G did great sitting with me as well and only got antsy during the last few minutes. E was even able to pet the snake, rabbit, and tortuise as well.

Again, have I mentioned how much I love our library. In addition to the weekly toddler time and story time sessions that we go to, I love that they do fun things like this {and the puppet show last month} for the kids.
We went to Panera on Sunday during our errand run and I had realized that it was the first time the 4 of us went out to lunch together and G sat up in a high chair like a big boy and it was so nice. Just another reminder of how blessed I am and how precious this life is that we have been given.
Graham is standing now. Standing. I am working on his 7 month post now and that should be up on Tuesday, but seriously... STANDING. Crawling full force was a lot for me to take in, but here we are with yet another milestone. Walking must be next, huh? I wonder when that will happen...

By the way, today is officially his 7 month birthday... so happy birthday to my special little man.
Also, 2 nights in a row he has slept through the night. We're talking 7-7 business over here. Not going to say that it is going to last... but one can only be hopeful.

Instagrammed That

Cooked This

Whole Chicken Crockpot recipe. I have made whole chicken various ways, and there is nothing better then an easy recipe requiring simple ingredients {like spices}. Something that I always have on hand. This one was a new recipe that I did and I loved it. Juicy. Will definitely be trying it again

Stuffed Bell Peppers. I know I shared a recipe a few months ago of one that I really enjoyed, but I decided that I wanted to try a different one {since the husband was bored of the other one}. Well this one is not too different from the other one, however, different enough that I could tell a difference. I think I like this one maybe even more. The only changes I made was that I used turkey {93% lean}, added mushrooms instead of celery, and did 1 cup of rice instead of 1.5 cups. I also used 5 bell peppers and cut them in half {so making 10 total... and my stuff was still overflowing}. I also used the remaining of the tomato sauce {recipe calls for 8 ounces to be used to make the sauce, the remaining 7 ounces I put in the bottom of the pan}.

Video Taped That

Snapped This

Two bloggers hard at work.

Celebrated That

My birthday. With my children. With my husband. With my family. And then with my coworkers. I could not have asked for a better birthday and I am so grateful for this life. Each and every day. Each and every year.

Bought This

A new automatic garage door opener thing. In other words, a couple hundred dollars worth of product that I could have avoided had I remembered to move the baby toy table that ultimately made the garage door get stuck {and quit working} once I closed the garage. Just peachy.

Loving That

Huge. I'm talking HUGE sale on Motherhood Maternity. Pregnant mamas---> this one's for you!

Great Deal On This

First off, who was on pins and needles during the birth of the royal baby? Anyone? I know that was the biggest chatter, and common how could it not be. I am truly so delighted for the couple and it will be amazing to watch this little guy grow up. He sure does have a pretty spectaculir mom and dad, that's for sure.

But, did anyone notice the swaddle blanket that Kate decided to use? I am sure many of you may have recognized them as they are the famous Aden and Anais ones that everyone swoons over. Pregnant, new mom, or know someone that is expecting? These would make for great gifts and trust me when I say this, you will get your money's worth! I know we have. Here is a little more info about them:

The Muslin Swaddle Blanket 4-Pack Jungle Jam print is one of the top sellers with Aden and Anais! Did you see the blanket that William and Kate’s royal baby made his debut in?  It’s one from this Muslin Swaddle  4- Pack Jungle Jam Print. You will love this soft, versatile, cozy swaddle blanket just as much as Kate does for her little prince! Four 47″x47″ 100% cotton muslin swaddles by Aden and Anais. These are great, all purpose blankets. They can be used for swaddling, as a burp cloth, a sun shade, a nursing cover, a standard blanket and more! They are very soft and get softer with every wash! You and your lil sweetie will love them!
These blankets are made of a lightweight cotton muslin that is super soft and very cozy for your little one. A perfect gender- neutral set that will be a favorite for years to come! As a top choice of Britain’s royalty, this item will not disappoint!

Better yet, take 10% off using code: ROYAL in celebration of the birth of the royal baby!

*Disclaimer: I was not in any way compensated for this post or any products mentioned. Simply promoting products that have worked for us.

1 comment:

  1. I love our library too. It just seems to good to be true, but it is. Fun activities, reading programs and books- yes please. My 5yo gets pumped to do the self checkout. Seeing all your cute videos is motivating me to take out that video camera.
    -Brandi @
