
Monday, July 29, 2013

If I could turn back time

They always say that you should live life with no regrets. Everything happens for a reason and we choose the paths we take. One path may lead you this way, one may lead you that way. No matter which way you choose, each path will eventually give you two additional paths to take. And then you get to make that decision again. Which path you will take.

The cycle goes on.

Overall, I think I live life with the notion that no one can be perfect, no particular situation can always go the right way, and that some things in life are supposed to happen, because they just are. However, when it becomes being a mom? I always wonder if I handled a situation the rigth way. Did I say the right things? Did I act in a way to be proud of.

I don't want to make this post directed towards things I regret or wish I could do over. We all know there are plenty of situations that we, if had the opportunity, would have done things differently. But like I said before, there's a reason things happen, with one of those reasons being an opportunity for growth.

If I could turn back time, I would tell my teenage self to stop crying over boyfriend 1, 2, and 3. I would have gone back in time, tapped myself on the shoulder, and whispered..."Not the one."

If I could turn back time, I would go back to nursing school and tell that girl that was crying over her first "D," first "C," and 7th {or so} "B" in her life. Tell her that her beautiful 1.75 semester gpa {in comparison to graduating high school with a 3.8} would simply be a reminder of what she could have lost, but quickly regained. No more sorority, no more good times. A lot more responsibilities.

If I could turn back time, I would not have gotten a dog in college. You know how everyone tells you not to do something and you don't listen? Then later on, oh say 7 years later, you go... "you were right." Well. They all were right. Having a dog and a family has been hard. Especially hard. Would we change things now? No. Is our dog going anywhere? Absolutely not. However, it doesn't change the fact that it has been quite the adjustment with children and all.

If I could turn back time, I would have prepared myself better for the toddler tantrums. Let myself be more at ease. Tell myself that I would not be alone, that all is normal, and that it does get better. Those firsts are never easy when it comes in form of defiance.

If I could turn back time, I would take back any negative things I have ever said to those I love. Words can be harsh. Arguments can be tough. Dealing with feelings in a positive way may be difficult. I struggle sometimes with holding back and when things build up... they truly build up. I always regret after the fact of saying something that I know might hurt those that I love.urn

If I could turn back time, I'd sit down with myself and have a chat. Tell that young self of mine all the wonderful things to come. Tell her how important to stay safe. Tell how important it is to continue to be a good role model. To respect others. To make a difference in the world. That one day there will be two children that will look up to me. And a husband that I will cherish with all my heart.

If only we knew back then how our lives would turn out like today.

For the complete list of topics: Here

Next Week: If I could Turn Back Time {And Do Something Over}
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 NEXT WEEK PROMPT: If I could have one superpower.  See complete list here.
For the complete list of topics: Here

Next Week: If I could Turn Back Time {And Do Something Over}
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For the complete list of topics: Here

Next Week: If I could Turn Back Time {And Do Something Over}
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  1. Loved reading this! Thanks for sharing! I'm a momma-to-be and toddler tantrums sound pretty scary to me, but knowing its normal is really reassuring!


  2. Goodness having a dog with a kid is difficult! I hear you on that.

  3. Wow! I love this! Completely different than how I took the title of this weeks prompt but this is so much better!

    Oh the things I would tell my future self when I was a teenager!

    I might have to do a part two of this weeks! LOL

  4. It is amazing how much advice I would have given to my younger self!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  5. Oh the things we could have told ourselves... I wish I could write letters to my 13 year old self, 16 year old self, 19 year old self and 21 year old self... And maybe I will!!

    I firmly believe that everything in life happens for a reason!
