
Monday, July 29, 2013

Please Help

When I receive emails like this, I always try to do the best that I can to reach out and help, including sharing such news with people that read here.

Now, I personally know of this person, so this is not someone random emailing me with a fraud story. Rest assured, what you read below is true and prayers and any kind of financial help will be appreciated.

Thank you for reading.

Dear Becky,

On Friday, our family was completely devastated to learn that my cousin, Sean, had been involved in a horrific motorcycle accident and LifeLined to Methodist Hospital here in Indianapolis. He was hit by a car on his way to work. He was driving a motorcycle that morning because he wanted to try to save money for his family, who are struggling financially. During the accident, he sustained a catastrophic spinal cord injury affecting his C3-C7 vertebrae. Last evening he underwent a spinal fusion and laminectomy, as he had no use of his arms. He also suffered a broken nose, orbital bone, and ankle.

Sean is an absolutely man. He is a loving, dedicated, and hardworking husband, father, family member, and friend. He is a genuinely wonderful person who would do anything for anyone. While his family doesn't have a lot of resources, they are always the first in line if someone needs something. They are the most humble, grateful people, and they are truly just wonderful people. Our family purchased all of their daughter's school supplies, and clothes so that she can begin school on Wednesday. We also paid to have their son's phone turned back on so he could communicate with those at the hospital, as it was shut off due to lack of funds.

With their financial situation as it is, Sean is worried sick about how his family is going to survive without him working. Our family has rallied and begun a fundraiser to help ease his worries so that he can focus on his recovery. We just want him to know everything will be okay, and that everyone is thinking about him as he begins his lengthy road to recovery. As such, we have began a fundraiser for him and his wife, Kim. If you wouldn't mind sharing his fundraiser, I would appreciate it so much. Even if people can just send him their thoughts and prayers, it would mean to the world to our family. He needs so much love and positivity as he recovers. 

You can donate here