
Friday, July 5, 2013

This & That


We attended church for the first time as a family of four. I really should be devoting an entire post to this, but I just could not hold back how happy this makes me. It was the same church that I attended all through high school, and one that I have missed terribly. I am looking forward to seeing where this journey takes us and to finally have this missing piece back into our lives.

Saw a large fireworks show on Sunday. Large as in 15,000 people were there large. Graham slept the whole time and E "Ohhhh'd and ahhh'd" with every sparkle. It was fun. More than fun.

Celebrated the 4th with my parents yesterday. I have adorable pictures to upload of the kiddos and cannot wait to share. I worked Wednesday night and {last night, when this posts}, and so I've been a little beat up in the sleep department.

Working on incorporating new things in our "School sessions" at home and looking forward to sharing those as well.

Well, I didn't exactly snap that, seeing as how that would be me {and my beautiful pimple on my face} sitting underneath the umbrella with a sleeping little man by the pool. Life.

Again, can we talk about how amazing the Infantino Baby Food Station pouch squeezer thing is? It is totally genius and I used it this weekend and fell in love all over again. How come I didn't come up with this? Then I could retire and be sipping pina coladas by the ocean. Yes? Oh wait, I have two little kids..... But yes, two thumbs up from this mama.


My stuff {and the kids stuff} on instagram. Slowly putting stuff on there as I begin purging things {we have too much stuff}. Feel free to follow my account @frommrstomamacloset to get all the details! All prices include shipping, and if you order multiple, you get $1 each additional item.


Going to the beach! And I absolutely cannot wait to dip those baby toes and toddler toes in the sand. I have my to-do list and must-pack list ready to go and I better not forget a thing. Because surviving the beach with two little ones is like science. You cannot mess up the equation or it will all be off.


Largest blowout, up to 90% off kids clothes, shoes, books and toys. Womens clothes and shoes!


I discovered that teddy Graham sure does love the computer. A lot. Now I cannot have it out anywhere in reach... his eyes get all big and hands get all excited.

A future blogger.


Great article on the gross food we eat. Makes me feel bad for cheating on my good food. I could never give it all up. But reading this stuff? Makes me want.


Giving up cable. Andrew and I have talked about it the past month. I honestly have not even turned on the TV in over 2 weeks. In the past 6 months, I have probably watched TV probably 3-4 times a month. So why are we throwing away money to something we don't even use? The only problem is that football is coming up and we have the sport package for Andrew's fantasy football {ladies, how excited are we to have our men taken away to this crazy gig? Yeah? Yeah? I know..}. Anyways, we are trying to find other solutions and once we do---> cable SEE YOU LATER.


  1. ive been keeping on eye out on your IG shop to see if youll ever post something of G's! im due with my first in just 2 weeks - eek!
    totally eyeing that infantino maker for when the time comes!
    adorable babes you have, as in every pic!

  2. His hair is starting to go blonde!!

  3. Love the video! :) Our cable is going out the door in November (when our contract a up)! :)

  4. Do you have a device that can stream (playstayion 3 or something similar)? We got rid of cable and I bought my husband NFL Sunday Ticket for his Playstation 3. It's expensive, but still less than paying for cable and he can watch a lot more games.

  5. My daughter was the same with the computer. That thing made her crawl so fast!! Heck, she still loves it.

    We gave up cable/dish when we moved. Best decision! Now we have Netflix for when we want to watch something, or get a movie occasionally from the RedBox, but otherwise the TV is off. It's nice. We don't watch sports, though.
