
Saturday, July 6, 2013

We Went to the Zoo

We went to the zoo. For the first time as a family of four. We renewed our membership and we spent 4 hours there. It is so great to compare one year to the next. How different our experience is. How different of a an experience it is for Elliana as she gets older. The more she takes in. The more she understands. The more interest she shares with us.

And Graham.

Graham came along too. Because, you know, Carson wouldn't make the best of a babysitter. And he enjoyed it. Didn't make a peep. Took great naps. Ate well. And smiled and giggled more than we could have imagined. Did he know he was at zoo? No. Did we? Yes.

And I totally didn't finish this post and it published and well that's that. Graham, you went to the zoo and it is documented. That has to count for something.


  1. He seems like such a good baby! They are so adorable, glad you all had a good time :)

  2. We do the zoo a few times a year with our kids. Always a good time!

  3. We need to go to the zoo with Liam soon. It's just SO humid and we went last year at this time and I was pregnant and miserable. Maybe once it starts cooling down here. And don't worry about not finishing the post. It sounds great to me. =]
