
Saturday, August 17, 2013

My Workout Gear

We all know that a big component of motherhood that {many} mothers stress about is time. Time to get chores done. Time to meet everyone's needs. Time to get "me" time in. And time to just slow down. Time is never enough and always goes by too fast.

One of the things, for me, that I struggle with is finding the time to get exercise in. Something I used to be so diligent about. Something that was very important to me. Yet, something that I have let slip by and never looked back.

Three years later, two kids later, and here we are.... continue reading here.

1 comment:

  1. I love the bright colors!! :) I hope you found some chill-me time today! :) Have you thought about working out at home and to just a short workout? I've been doing a 25-minute program for about 2 months (Adding in strength on days) and am about to start another program that's under an hour most days. Just ideas :)

    Kalee @
