
Thursday, August 1, 2013

One Year Advertising Space Giveaway

I noticed last night that my little GFC number hit 3,000 and I am humbled to say the least. I thought about giving away money here, money there, and this and that. Instead, I decided to give away something that another blogger  or business would benefit from. Advertising space. I know you are probably wishing it were a gift card... but I thought I'd change things up around here.

One Year Advertising space.

Large size ad
that will hang out on my sidebar for 1 year. This will include monthly twitter/facebook shout outs, and one guest post feature.

12 months of advertising valued at $480
*All entries will be checked! *Winner will be announced next Saturday on Facebook and contacted via email!

Thank you again all for reading, following along this journey of life with me, and always being supportive. I may not say this enough, I may not reply to comments enough, but trust me when I say this... I appreciate the blogging community. It has been one of the most positive things to happen in my life.

Again, thank you.

  a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. No, I'm definitely not wishing it was a gift card, this is much better than a gift card! 3,000 GFC that is amazing! Congrats! I have been following your blog for forever now and you are by far my favorite blogger becky!


  2. Congrats on the 3000....this is an AWESOME giveaway!!!!

  3. So exciting on hitting 3000, loving this giveaway

  4. Congrats, Becky! Great giveaway :)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. What a great idea for a giveaway!

  7. Such a cool idea!!!! :) **Fingers crossed!** :)

    Kalee @

  8. This would be incredible!!! I have been wanting to sponsor your blog forever but I've never been able to afford to sponsor anyone. This would be an incredible blessing!
    You are such a sweetheart Becky!! <3
