
Friday, August 2, 2013

This & That Friday

This weeks happenings

Not much going on this week besides work, work, and more work. We are wrapping up summer around here with some last minute activities and family things that we want to get done before it starts to get chilly out. I know, I'm talking about cold weather already.

Which reminds me... Christmas is right around the corner. Seriously though, the past couple of years I had started wrapping presents in August. Well guys... it's officially August. Which means all those presents? Need to get to wrapping. This winter season is going to be a busy one for us, seeing as how we have added another birthday to the list.

Oh you know, just Graham turning one. No big deal. Yes, very big deal.

Speaking of that little Graham man... he decided he wanted to actually learn how to crawl up the stairs. He had been hinting at it for a couple weeks... kept crawling toward the stairs and would stand up {see picture below}, and then yesterday officially {while I was monitoring him} he took about 4 crawls up. I think Elliana was maybe 9 months when we had to go through this new milestone.

Everything is just happening so fast.

Except teeth. Those are taking their sweet time. And I'm pretty sure we have been teething for 3+ months.

Blog wise? Working on some fun stuff around here... and I know I have been talking about this amazing giveaway that I am planning with other bloggers... but I promise it will be coming soon.

Speaking of giveaway, check out this--> ONE YEAR AD SPACE giveaway

 Easy way to enter to possibly win 1 year of advertising on my little old blog!

Instagrammed This

Loving That

Ebates. I just got notice that there is yet another $225 check coming in the mail and that makes me all giddy inside. Seriously, free money... I just can't. I'm not going to keep pitching the same deal to you, read here if you haven't already. Then go tell all your friends so you can make money too!

Read This

I love when I come across an article with just a breakdown for me. These are all things that I nodded my head when reading and said, yes yes and yes. If you are not familiar with common GMO products, read this article.

Bought That

New hairbows for E. About every 6 months I have to replace colors that we have lost or ones that we have pitched. I loved these ones that came and will definitely be buying them again.

Photographed This

These two. THESE TWO. I just want to squeeze them right through the computer screen. Better yet, they're sleeping right next to me and I can just love on them that way. But the personalities of these two. Right in those pictures. Explains it all.

Thank You For This

I want to personally thank Personal Creations for sending me these two beautiful gifts for my babies.
I have loved this company {no this is not a compensated type shout out, just my personal positive experiences} for a while now and have turned to them whenever I needed a meaningful personal gift. Clever name, right? Elliana has also been gifted a couple items from there, both an engraved bracelet and a big sister personalized book, and I could not say more positive things about the quality of all the gifts that we have received. There are always so many great ideas and its a great place to start if you are looking for some ideas for someone special in your life!


  1. Ahh August, your right, I can't believe Christmas is right around the corner now! This Christmas will be a little more special for us too, with our little baby on the way, I seriously can't wait!


  2. I wish my daughter would keep bows in her hair!! It's always such a mess. She's a little tomboy already.

  3. Love seeing what you guys are getting up to. My son lando is 3 days younger than graham so is love to hear about his favorite toys at this age and learning activities you do with him. Keep up the good work mama your doing such a fab job!!xx

  4. Oh my gosh..I love those little Bibles!! How sweet!! <3
