
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

10 minute Capture

My in-laws came into town this past weekend and it was definitely so nice to have them here, to relax and do nothing {kind of}, and to be with family. Andrew loves it more than anyone else.

We had my parents come over Saturday night {and sister}, and we grilled, drank, and had a nice dinner/conversation at the dining room table with all our family. The only people that were missing were Andrew's sister and husband, and my brother and wife.

Monday {Labor Day}, we decided to go to the zoo and it was by far the craziest I had ever seen it. It's like everyone decided that it was going to the day to go to the zoo. And bring their uncles, cousins, and friends.

I showed Elliana how to draw a balloon... and she followed along perfectly! She was so proud of herself {as was I}, and was so excited to give her Bo-pa {grandpa} his birthday card that she made him. She also picked out a present for him while we were in TJ Maxx {speaker notepads} and that was the first packed present that she took out to give him. Man, I love this stage.

Speaking of stage.. we are in the whole, why, why, why stage. And although I've always heard how "annoying" this stage is... I think the complete opposite. Andrew and I laugh and smile when E constantly asks why, with every answer. I love her readiness to learn more.

G-man spent a solid 15 minutes playing with the newspaper the other day. Pure entertainment right there.

I promise there were pictures of me this weekend... except I already showed them earlier on in the week {Monday]. Also, I failed at taking pictures of papa man. And? The four of us! So? Next weeks goal is the tripod. 

And somehow these photos turned into an all Graham deal... and I blame crazy fast moving toddler on that one. But pretty soon, I'm going to have two crazy fast moving toddlers. In fact, Graham is already crazy fast moving so I'm not sure what I will take pictures of then. Maybe Carson? Oh Carson...