
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

A great cause and an even greater recipe {Strawberry Cheesecake Bites}

One of the statements that was made by my pastor this past weekend at church talked about the value of giving. "We are put on this Earth to impact it, to change a life, and to serve those in need." He went on to talk about how important it is for us to give back, as much as we can, and to do so whole-heartedly. That we need not be rich, successful, or efluential to make an impact. You don't have to be rich, successful, or efluential. Those words really impacted me.

I had to think about this.

You see, you don't have to be religious, go to church, or even believe in a higher power to be impacted by such words. You just have to believe that there is a need for good, that there is a need for help and healing, and there is a need for giving. Yes, I believe that, but often times I find myself wondering what exactly I could do to give back. How I could impact someone's life or change a little piece of the world. I'm quick to judge myself. Criticize. And bring down. Will this little amount do anything? What do I have that I can give? What areas are more important than others? Do I really make a difference?

Read the rest here where I also share a pretty delicious recipe.