
Sunday, October 6, 2013

A Mama expert in Parenting, Art, and Food.

Happy Sunday! I cannot believe the weekend is wrapping up so quickly {as it always does}, and we are looking at yet another Monday tomorrow. What is it about Mondays.

So today, I have a special mama to share with you, Erin. I have known Erin for a while now and really enjoy the various subjects that she covers on her blog. From being a mama and parenting, to art and recipes. She is so diverse, and always has something interesting to say.  I have to admit though, my favorite are her scrumptious recipes that she shares. HEALTHY too!

I asked her a few questions as well, and here is what she had to say:

1. Why did you start your blog, and what keeps you writing?

I started my blog (originally called Axell's Kitche) so that I could share my recipes. A few months in it started to evolve, and became more of a lifestyle blog. What keeps me writing is the girls who I have become friends with through my blog. When my dog Axell passed away a few months ago, I was devastated and ready to throw in the towel. I was blow away though by the support and love I got from my blog friends and realized deleting it was the last thing I wanted to do!

2. Tell us 3 important things that a stranger may want to know about you

That I ALWAYS put my family first, that I love classic rock, and when Led Zeppelin is playing- you don't talk to me! Last, that if you come over to my house, you will be fed, so come hungry!

3. Where do you see your life 10 years from now?

In 10 years I see myself with one (maybe two) more kids, hopefully having some sort of job involving fitness, and simply happy and loving life.

4. You post so many great recipes, what is your inspiration! And can you share 3 of your top favorite go-to foods that are mom-friendly {aka for those on-the-go-don't-have-time-moms.... like me!}

To get inspired for a new recipe, I go to the grocery store and just wander around. I'm not good at thinking of meals/recipes ahead of time, it always just comes to me while browsing the isles at the store.
Three of my favorite go-to foods for a busy on-the-go mom would be: Bars (Balance, Quest and Kids Clif are some of my favorites), a smoothie (frozen banana + 1 C. frozen fruit + 1 C. almond milk is a great basic recipe) and a sliced banana with a Tbs. of peanut or almond butter.

5. Share some of your favorite moments of being a mom!

Some of my favorite moments of being a mom have been when he was really little and would sleep on my chest for hours, when his swim teacher told everyone in his class (most were older than him) to watch him because he was the best, and when he jumped for the first time, because he was so proud of himself. Also every time that baby hugs and kisses me I just melt.

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