
Saturday, October 5, 2013

The Funniest Person on the Interwebs + $25 Giveaway

Meet Helene. Probably one of the top funniest bloggers that I have come in contact {er, in "viral contact"} with. She has one of those blogs where you can instantly guarantee a chuckle out of the minute you land on her page. That's refreshing, rare, and I definitely love her voice.

I asked her a few simple questions below, and loved her answer to each one, but especially to number 2. She loves who she is.

Yes, yes, and yes!  Oh and she is graciously giving away one of you readers $25 to sephora!

1. What is your favorite and least favorite thing about blogging? 
My favorite thing about blogging is that I get to express myself and tell stories that I thought I would never get to before. I get to "meet" people from all over the country, and even the world, through blogging and this has opened my mind in so many ways. My least favorite part is that blogging can sometimes feel like high school. People get upset over the smallest things!

2. If you could be one person, who would it be and why? 
I would be who I am. I know that's silly and annoying but I truly love my life and the people around me. But if I just had to answer the question I would be Jennifer Lawrence. She seems down to earth and classy. People just like her. She is completely herself.

3. If you had one superpower, what would it be?
Teleporting. There is nothing that I love more than travel but I just wish I could get to the place I want to go without all the hassle. I would like it to be "I Dream of Genie" style where I just nod my head and I'm there. 

4. List 3 things that most people may not know about you.
I detest nuts in my food. On the side, wonderful. In my food? Get that away from me. 
I am a horrible decorator. Our house looks like we just moved in, even if we have been here for a solid year.
I used to tell people that Britney Spears was my second cousin when I was in high school. People still talk about it to this day. I am an odd person, but I loved her. 

5. Where do you see your life 5 years from now
This is a stretch, but I'd like to be writing and traveling for a living. I'm not exactly where or for whom but I just think that's my next step. I'd like at least one other dog (besides the dog I have now!) and maybe my houe will finally be decorated.

a Rafflecopter giveaway