
Friday, October 4, 2013

Five on Friday

{1.} Confessions

I confess... I take about 8 packets of sugar {or 2 large spoonfuls at home} with my coffee and a dash of milk. Why? Because I haven't used coffee creamer in over a year. I know, I'm crazy. You're thinking it. I believe you.

When the kids are playing nicely? I sneak in and peak at them every couple of minutes... but do so without being noticed because if that little guy sees me? It's all over. He starts crawling fast toward me... saying "MA MA MA MA "

E went flying off a new slide {and landed hard on her bottom} that she went on at a local farm, and I have to say... I was giggling {silently} up a storm. Terrible mom. It was one of those moments where I was all.. man I wish I could have gotten that on tape for her when she's a teenager. Popcorn worthy.

I am in denial about it being October. Really. SO MUCH TO DO.

{2. }Andrew rented World War Z the other night, and I have to say a couple things here about it. For one, it has been forever and a day since we rented a movie {not sure why that is, since we used to do it all the time}. And secondly, it's a good one. A really really really good one.

{3.} There are 3 giveaways going on now on the blog. The best part? To enter, all you have to do is leave a comment! Win a Keurig + k-cups here, Monster headphones {RV $150} here, and $50 visa gift card and Monsters University here.

{4. } My friend introduced me to this amazing website for educational material and I am hooked. I mean obsessed. There are so many printables {thousands} and Elliana and you get 10 free {per email} a month! So many new things that Elliana and I can work on during our school time sessions.

{5.} Deals alert 

Snagged THE BEST scarf deal ever. I may have bought a few Christmas gifts for the ladies in my family.

And lastly, save 40% off advertising, using code: happyoctober at checkout! Would love to have you, your blog or your business!

*Linking up with the wonderful Darci


  1. I am definitely checking out that educational website! I am always looking for new printables for my little guy :) And I am loving that mocha scarf!!

  2. yea! thx i need printable sites for school stuff! so excited b/c we just found 2 families on our street that are homeschooling and they have kids our kids ages! it's nice to be in the norm! hahaha

  3. Um, I am TERRIBLE about laughing when my niece trips or falls.

  4. I'm glad someone else admitted they kinda like sugar a bit too much in their coffee too!!

  5. The educational website link didn't work for me (brought me to blogger), anyone know it?

    1. thank you for pointing that out, I fixed it!

  6. You should check out Educational resources by grade level made and sold by teachers. Some cost but many are free :)

  7. Thanks for sharing that educational website!!

  8. I can't help myself. I laugh every time anyone falls, including my kid. My brain just finds it so stupidly funny I can't stop laughing. I can totally relate.

  9. I've heard great things about that movie! I need to check it out :)

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