
Monday, March 3, 2014

Learning with toddlers; Solar System Theme

I know that I said I would do a learning post {scratch that, more like posts}, but since I am still working on them, I'm going to just mix it up here and share the recent theme that we dove into last week; Space week. But by week, I mean more like month. Since this is a completely new subject for us, we are going to spend a lot of time on it and learning all that involves our solar system. Since I have done a lot of planning and online searching, I thought I would go ahead and share my finds while I still have the links.

This is not just for toddlers. I found some great learning tools for moms of elementary aged children!

Also, please feel free to share some great links as well in the comments section!!

Solar System Books

Solar System Buys

Worksheets to Print 

 20 worksheets on the solar system
This is from You have to sign up and then get 20 free worksheet print outs a month. You can sign up for membership for additional print outs.

Printable Packs for different ages {50+ pages}
The best. I mean. the best. I cannot say enough how amazing these are. I am so happy I stumbled upon this website that has so many amazing free print outs. From matching, to coloring, to tracing letters, and fun craft ideas!

Free solar system worksheets {all ages}
Tons. Awesome.

Quizzes, coloring pages, fill in the blanks, and more! {geared for older kids}
Again, there are a lot.

Flashcards to print
Great for memory game.

Rhymes & Riddles

Complete list 



***Since my website was stolen, I have been trying to work hard to reach all my lost readers. If you love a post, would you mind sharing--Via facebook, twitter, and pinterest! Thank you!

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  1. My son (age 5) is really into the solar system. He has a TAG reader from Leap Frog the solar system book. He "reads" it all of the time. For Christmas, we bought him glow in the dark stars for his ceiling.

    Picking out a solar system book to purchase was difficult as a Christian family. Even though they are kid books, so many focused on the origin of the solar system in a way that we simply don't agree with. We ended up getting the First Big Book of Space. It does have a single page on the origin, but I felt that the description could be used to support the theory of atoms randomly creating space OR creationism. (Dinosaur books are equally difficult to come across that aren't filled with evolutionary theory).

  2. Thanks for a great post, I never thought of it like that before.installers
