
Saturday, March 1, 2014

Random weekend thoughts/ Deals

AWESOME deal going on right now. Sign up through FB here and get a $10 credit to shoplately. Then pick your jewelry/accessory AND get FREE shipping! If you don't sign up through FB, I don't think you get the free $10 credit.

Last night, I had to call the place that we had ordered pizza from and was very stern with the manager in getting a refund for them messing up our order and then having to wait an additional 20 minutes for the correct one. He agreed and took it off right away, but tell me why I felt bad about it. Bad about being so forward. This isn't anything new for me---I have high expectations when it comes to customer service. And when I don't feel that things are handled appropriately, I bring the concerns to the table. But my question is why do I feel so guilty about that? It's so silly, and so unlike me, yet here I sit feeling guilty that I may have hurt someone's feelings. I'm telling you... this getting older thing is no joke.


We are learning about the solar system at home, and I am working on putting together a post with all the great ideas that I found online. And believe me, there are many. I am also working on a couple of other "learning tool" posts, and in time, I promise, they will be up.

I'm also right now in the process of making a DIY calendar to do with the kids. I like this idea below, but I have some other things brewing in my head. I cannot wait to share it!


The Jungle Book arrived at our house Friday {thank you Kim!}. It's a classic favorite of mine. And the first movie that has had E giggling like crazy. I mean seriously, she was cracking up.


I know I have mentioned before about getting my blog printed and how I think everyone should, but the first one was pretty pricey { $150 }, so I had delayed getting the rest of it printed. This time around I had decided to print it in the black and white version instead and paperback and I was so impressed! It was only $35 for 260 pages.  Also, it takes 10 minutes to do/order. I did it through Blog2print {this is not sponsored, just very happy with the product}.


I just ordered a pair of these BCBG pants. Not because I needed them. But because the price was just too good to pass up.

Not to mention Fendi sunglasses were 75% off!


This little one below has been a complete chatterbox. He babbles all day long and can say 20+ words. He has also been trying to run, which is probably one of the funniest things I have ever seen. It's speed walking on a mission is what I like to call it. It's a little crazy for me to think that he is even old enough to run. Time, I tell you.


And I'll leave off with my most recent favorite picture.

This is us. Well, minus me---since I'm clearly not in it.

Happy Weekend!

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  1. I did Blog2Print about 4 years ago and LOVED it. I plan on doing it every year, but I need to catch up with the years that I missed and have them printed. I absolutely LOVED it.

  2. Question: do you need to go through and delete all of the posts you don't want to include in your book from your blogger account, or do you have the option on the B2B site? TIA! Abby

  3. I love the last picture!
    Thanks for sharing about Blog2Print. I'm going to try it!
