
Monday, July 21, 2014

A mom on the run looking for the healthy snack option: it's right here.

“This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and Slimfast, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #14daystoslim

Summer is officially here and between park dates, pool dates, soccer games, and swim lessons, we are busy busy busy. That means that I'm snacking on what the kids are snacking--cereal bars, pretzels, cookies, animal crackers, and anything and everything else. As good as those things taste, and as easy as it may seem for our lifestyle, at the end of the day my body is tired and worn out. Treating it right, and putting the right stuff in it is more important than ever before. Especially when you have little ones to run after.

The solution? A Slimfast snack bar on the go.

I've been taking it everywhere with me, and my new challenge is keeping two little grubby hands away from it. When they hear the crinkle of the red package, and look my direction, I officially have two seconds to devour it. They drop everything they are doing, bat their little eyes at me, and the begging begins—ppppppeeeeeease.

My go-to snack while getting ready for work.

My go-to snack when heading out the door to soccer practice.  Back pocket to hide from the kids.

And the front pocket when out and about without the kids

Always waiting for me after my workouts.

I've never been a big dieter or believer in strict programs, so when you find something that helps, that tastes good, and that isn't something that you have to give up your life for, then you get that little light bulb that goes off in your head—ding ding ding, this is it!

Slimfast also offers a program called Slim Coaching which is easy to sign up for and the perks are even better—from funny videos, to daily motivational texts and tips from experts who can inspire and push you that extra mile. No fee is involved for the program, and it's as simple as putting your name and phone number in, and being connected from there.

If you're in need of a change, if you're up for something new, if you're like me— a mom with little time and hands constantly full, then check out the Slimfast 14 days to slim. You replace two of your meals with the shake or bar, your third meal is to be 500 calories, eat 3 healthy snacks throughout the day, minimize your calorie intake to 1200 calories, and exercise 30 minutes a day. Not only a convenient, but also a tasty way to lose up to 6 pounds in the first 2 weeks.

And for some great 500 calorie meal ideas, low-calorie beverages, not so guilty desserts and more, check out the Slimfast pinterest board and get inspired!