
Friday, July 18, 2014

Friday Letters, some crazy good deals, and pictures. Who doesn't love pictures.

Dear Hair,

I need you to do something with yourself. Change your color. Change your style. Grow out those ridiculous baby hairs from post-partum. Something. You're looking in a rut, and a change is needed.

Dear Husband,

I like your new car. I love your new car. I'd like to call it my new car and you just driving it to work because I'm so nice. But really? I love your new car.

Dear Vacation,

You are so close I can almost taste you. So close until we get to drive long distance, sing songs in the car, and reach a destination of actual warm weather, palm trees, and the smell of the beach. Something better than this winter we are having back home.

Dear Weather,

Okay, maybe I am exaggerating about the winter part, but I would be more than happy if you decided to warm up a little bit. As much as I love the cool weather, I really do love my hot summers as well, and who is going to get into the pool in this kind of weather? I need sunshine in my life. Please come back. I promise we will be good to you.

Dear Workout clothes,

I am so happy to be buying you now that I am on this "Working out" adventure. You're cute, and I can probably just be fine with wearing you all day long {pre-work out}. It helps that I found some great deals on zulily going on now, so I don't have to break the bank.
Link to deals

Dear Nursing Friends,

I couldn't help and pass up sharing this deal with all my fellow nursing cap sisters. We all know how important these big honkers are for our feet.

dansko sale

Dear Boy that will be 2 before we know it,

I refuse to admit it, and I refuse to even say your name next to that number, but I am already planning ahead because that's just what I do, and I have to decide what your theme will be for your birthday. Between cars, trucks, and pirates, I am sure something will come together and you will love it. As long as you get milk....out of  cup, right? Ha.

Party Deals
Dear Pillows,

If you could figure out a way to get from my computer screen to my couch, today, I would appreciate it. Make it happen.
pillow site

Dear Vegetable Garden,

You survived! You survived our ways and somehow you grew and flourished, and now we have eaten 4 large cucumbers from you and watching more grow. There are about 25 tomatoes that we are just waiting for to turn red! We aren't too bad at this after all, I guess.

Dear Work,

I only have 4 more shifts to deal with you and then I don't have to see you for 2 weeks. Two weeks away from crazies, more crazies, and more crazies. Good thing I love my crazy at times, but a break is also nice.

Dear House,

In the meantime, if you can figure out a way to clean yourself before we leave, I would greatly appreciate it.

Because let's face it.....

I'm too busy celebrating my birthday next week. You know, me turning 21 and all. Kind of a big deal.


  1. Thanks for sharing those pillows! I've been on the hunt for cute, affordable ones forever!!! :)

  2. You should give Hair Skin Nails from It Works a try!! It has strengthen and grown my nails, but more importantly it has made my hair finally grow! I feel like it's been at a stand still! Look it over at !
